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Let's Get Uncomfortable: Mental Health Makeover

I honestly could not wait to do a post of this event I attended this past weekend. I am so glad I was able to attend and support my fellow Brown Girl Blogger, Ashley. I met her about two years ago at a Brown Girl Blogger meetup in DC. We kept in touch through social media and really love how she is so encouraging, empowering and in a way a mental health advocate. I saw that she was promoting her event one day and messaged me asking if I was able to attend. Good thing I was off the day of her event, I wanted to come and support her. I was really interested in learning more about mental health because it really isn't talked about much, especially in the black community and people need to be made more aware.

So I did get there a little late lol but got there in enough time to absorb all this information. The event started out with a panel giving their expert advice and information, answering questions and just dropping knowledge on everyone. I was so into every word that was spoken. This was information that just about everyone should know about.(There will be a vlog on this soon).

I was just blown away by what I was hearing when some people told their personal stories about dealing with mental health and how they overcame it. I was glad to see a man on the panel (and in attendance) as well sharing his personal story and opening up to everyone. It is a shame that we expect men in a way to be these strong figures who aren't supposed to show emotion, cry or show any sign of a weakness. Men go through emotional traumas as well and it should be okay for them to be open and express how they feel and not be shamed for it in a way. After the panel, we did a little stretch and meditation which was very refreshing. It felt good to clear my mind and just be still. I have so much going on and running through my head all the time, it was great just to clear it. Next we did a little art therapy where we wrote our personal affirmation and just used markers, crayons and other art supplies to create that on paper. It felt so soothing to draw freely. Here is what I did. I always say this to myself when things go right or wrong. I know that things will be okay.

After that, Ashley wanted to play something for us to hear. She played a recording of herself from about 2-3 years ago talking about wanting to put on an event like this but didn't know where to start. She just spoke it out into existence and made it happen. It was so inspiring to hear that and she was just so thankful for everyone who attended and supported her. I was truly inspired by her and super proud. The event was a success and so happy I was able to come out and support.

You can check out Ashley's blog RIGHT HERE!!  It just felt so good to support someone else and seeing their vision come to life. I just felt all warm and fuzzy inside lol. It just feels good to be positive and send those positive vibes out there. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the week and see you Thursday!!


~**Drea Notes**~

So someone, not going to mention names (Nana) gave my son the big toy book from Toys R Us. He was making a big list of toys that he wanted! Oh boy!

I'm super excited for this weekend, will tell you guys later this week what's going on.


  1. Mental Health is so important and I agree that alot of people don't like to talk about it. It's also not looked at on the same level as other medical illnesses. You would be surprised at just how many people have suffered with mental health issues at some point in their life. Thanks for sharing this Drea!

    1. It should be and I hope someday people are more aware and take it a bit more serious. Thanks for stopping by Tanya!

  2. I agree, mental health problems isn't addressed as much especially with men. Congratulations to Ashley for getting this event happen! It's so great how social media connects us all!

    1. I hope that it will be addressed and we stop putting these stereotypes on how men and women are supposed to act. Thanks for reading Jackie!!


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