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My Blogging and Personal Goals

Hey guys! Lately things have been crazy and hectic and just too crazy. I've been driving myself crazy thinking about too much and stressing out. So I was at work one day and this post popped in my head. I'm setting personal and blogging goals for myself to bring some order to my life and will be doing updates every month for the next 6 months to a year. Let's start with my blogging goals.

Set a Blogging Schedule

I blog whenever I have a day off or free time and it's always on different days. I want to set a schedule so I can be more prepared and not get behind on posting. I know that life happens and you can't help that sometimes but I feel if I want to be successful at this, I need to be a little more organized.

Change Up the Style

My blog is still going through changes and will be complete sometime soon. I also want to change the style of my blog a little bit. I've been doing some research and hopefully these are good changes!!

Learn More about Blogging

I honestly just threw myself into this without doing some homework. I thought it was going to be so easy, yea right lol! I want to learn more about the blogging world because I really enjoy it so much. Again, I want to be successful at this and I know it takes time but I just want to learn and grow at this as much as I can.

Attend a Blogging Event

I haven't been to one yet and always find about them last minute. I've seen other post and they look like so much fun. It would be great to meet other bloggers and network and just have a good time without the kid lol!

Proof Read my Post a Little Better

I've noticed after publishing a post, I see a few typos. I call myself proofing but scanning over it but I really don't read it slowly and carefully. Just want to be more careful when posting from now on.

Get a New Calendar and Book

My notebook that I currently use is almost full and I think it would be great for the next one to have a calendar in it. I can keep track of my schedule and know when post need to go up.

Now on to my personal goals:

Figuring Out What I Really Want to Do

Honestly I've been feel pretty lost about my career. I thought I knew what I wanted to do but it's not working out now so I think I need to find a new path to take. This one is probably going to take a while but I have faith that I will find something I will love to do everyday.

Wear Makeup More Often

Now I purchase all this makeup and really don't use it lol. I need to find a good 3 and 5 minute routine for the morning because I am the queen of sleeping until the last possible minute and running late lol! I love wearing it and should be wearing it more often because I often get mistaken for a 16 year old lol.

Wearing Skirts and Dresses More Often

Fun fact about me, I used to be a bit of a tomboy. I used to hate wearing stockings when I was younger so I just didn't wear skirts or dresses unless I really had to. I ran with the boys, jumped off stuff and played in the mud. I really didn't girly until my freshman year of high school when I saw the football team lol. I was a bit boy crazy back then. I have all these skirts and dresses that just sit in my closet and only wear them for church, going out or special occasion. I always wear dress pants to work and just need to rotate clothes and switch it up a bit.

Use My BBW Stash More

I used to work at Bath and Body Works and have a ton of stuff. It just sits there and I need to start using it before I have to throw it away. I think I'm trying to hold on to the discontinued scents that I love so much.

Being More Prepared and Organized

I think my life is little crazy because it's not organized and I don't prepare ahead of time. I'm always doing things last minute like packing my lunch before heading to work. I would have more time in the morning if I packed it the night before. Being a mom, it's been kinda hard to keep myself organized and I would like to get myself together too. Some DIY post will be coming soon.

Not to Stress So Much

I have had one too many breakdowns in my car and I find myself stressing out too much. I'm learning to be more patient and know that things will happen not on my time. I just get overwhelmed sometimes with things and it builds up. I just need to learn to take a couple deep breaths and pray on it.

So that's it for my blogging and personal goals. I will be checking in next month for an update.

~** Drea Notes**~

So I was getting gas on my lunch break and my car decided to lock itself and everything was in there!! Thank goodness there was a tow truck driver there that was nice enough to help me get into my crazy car!! 

What is going on with this weather? It was Summer, Spring and Fall all in one week lol!!

I love the new Caffe Espresso Frappuccino from Starbucks!!


  1. Great goals! You have a lot of them so just make sure you realize that its OK to not get to work on all of them each month. El from The Beauty Isle and I have been doing the Resolute Beauty Blogger since January. We post updates on our goals on the 15th of each month. You are more than welcome to join us. Having other people involved and scheduled posts helps keep us on track.

    1. Thanks Tanya. I honestly feel better after getting all this out. I know things will take time and I'm learning patience. Sure I would like join you guys!

  2. These are some great goals, Andrea!! I think you will really love and benefit from setting a schedule, it's so much easier! I'm only blogging twice a week now, but I'm liking this 'spring and summer' schedule much better.

    1. Thanks for reading Lily! I've already set my schedule and it will seem easier to get things done and feel organized.

  3. Excellent goals Andrea! Setting a blogging schedule is one of mine also..but I find sometimes life gets a bit hectic so I try to make sure to post at least two to three times a week. I would so love to become more organized in my personal life also...I'm always scurrying around in the morning looking for something to wear to work. I should be prepping the night before....but it never happens.
    I so can also identify with over stressing...I stress a lot also and I need to just breathe and work thorough issues when they arrive. Big hug to you cause I totally understand breaking down when things seem to much to bear.
    I enjoyed reading your goals...good luck!

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks so much Keisha! I really appreciate the hugs!! I'm always looking for something to wear in the morning. I try putting out my clothes the night before and wake up not wanting to wear it lol! We just have to take things one day at a time!!

  4. i'm all about removing as much stress in my life as possible!! best of luck on your goals

    1. Thank you so much Elle! I would love to have time for Yoga again, that really helped with stress.

  5. It's a process. Life in general is a process. Whenever thing are meant to be they will happen. Don't be so hard on your self. I think this set of goals is a great start at organizing and prioritizing your life

    1. Thanks Rhondine. I feel better getting this out and taking the first steps to getting it together. Now if I had more time to sleep lol!

  6. These are great goals! I've been trying to get back to my blogging schedule, but like you said life happens lol Good luck with your goals!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Pilar. I hope you can get back on your schedule too!!

  7. OMG your list of goals is making ME stressed lol! You are ambitious girl! I love it!

    1. Thanks Brittnee! It seems like a lot but I won't get through them all so fast and easy, some will take some time and I'm up for the challenge of it!


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