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On A Personal Note....

I'm thankful to be seeing another year and 33 looks good! Yesterday I celebrated my birthday and I didn't want to do too much. I just went to Sephora to get my Birthday gift (and brought other stuff lol) and went out and had margaritas and lunch with my fiance and treated myself to a mani and pedi. It was good just to have a day off and relax. It seems like the attitude of this country has changed so much and it is a bit scary. A lot of people have very strong opinions about recent events and what has been going on lately. I'll admit, I am very scared of what the next 4 years will bring. It seems like we are going backwards in time and it is not a good thing. I am scared of how people will be treated, if manners, equal treatment of others, respect and just plain common sense will go out the window. I know that I can't live in fear and chosen to take a positive and optimistic approach to things. I know I can't control,how other people think or their views. I'm choosing to be a light and just not show fear, especially for my family. I am not going to let the darkness and ugliness that can come about get to me and I'm going to continue to shine bright. If something is wrong, I'm going to speak up, if someone is doing something positive, I'm going to support them. I love that Women's March that went on this past weekend. Women from all different walks of life, age, cultures, race were out there in a no judgement zone marching for a common purpose. I love when we get together without any drama and uplift each other. I wish this can happen more often because as a united front, we can accomplish amazing things. I hope that this can continue and we keep on supporting each other, uplifting each other, standing for common cause, not judging or talking about each other and just being positive. At the end of the day, we are all HUMAN. It doesn't matter about race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture, religion, anything. We are human first and every human being deserves to be treated with respect, treated equally, treated fairly, allowed the same opportunities as everyone else and not be judged. Hopefully one day we can come to that but in the meantime, be a light and pay attention to what is going on.



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