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On a personal note...Welcome to 2015

Happy New Year!! I'm just so thankful to see another year. I brought in the new year with friends and family and just loved enjoying time with everyone. I wasn't going to post today because I was just enjoying the time with family but I was up late thinking and had to post this.

I'm not one for making resolutions anymore but I'm making more of a commitment to myself. I always say I'm going to do this, do that, keep dwelling in the past, wondering what could or should of been. No more of any of that!!! I've been thinking so much and talking to close family and friends and I realized the common denominator of all the conversations. I need to stick to my word about things I want to do, I need to stop dwelling about things that happened years ago and I need to stop holding myself back. I want to be a more positive force in this world and blogging community. I'm ready to fall and get right back up again and fight more for what I want. I'm just ready to let myself free in a way.

I know it's not going to happen overnight but taking these small steps will really help. There are going to be so many changes and things that will be happening in the days to come. I'm really going sit down and reconstruct this blog. I had some much needed constructive criticism about it and it set a light bulb off in my head. What that person said was 100% true and honest and I really appreciate it. People just want to see me be successful and I knew I had those that supported me. I'm going improve my videos and content on here. I want to be a more successful blogger, I love blogging so much. I want to thank those fellow bloggers who stop by and leave comments and retweet my tweets and just have been so supportive. I really appreciate every one of you!!

I'm just going to start stepping out on faith more and look forward. I'm just excited for what these new changes will bring. I just feel like its going to take me in the direction I want to go. Did you set any goals, resolutions, or commitments for the new year? Comment below and let me know! See everyone on Sunday!!

~**Drea Notes**~

Did anyone take down the Christmas decorations and tree yet?? I need to very soon lol!!

I don't why I watch Food Network so late, it just makes me hungry!!


  1. Happy New Year Andrea! I like the idea of making a commitment rather than a seems more attainable. I wish you all the best this year on your goals :)

    Keisha xo

    1. Happy New Year Keisha!! Thank you so much! I've learned that you can't commit to those resolutions as much.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These are very realistic goals. I agree with what you are saying too. The only person holding you back is yourself. I feel that way too. Alot of my problem is the fear that I have of failing or not being successful at something. In terms of your videos, do you use any lighting? That is one thing that could help improve your videos. You do a great job talking and looking at the camera. I def don't have the money to but all the expensive lighting that other vloggers have but there is def affordable lighting options out there that would just make your videos a little brighter. Let me know if you need any help finding some if you decide you want to purchase some. :)

    1. Thank you so much Tanya!! You do make things harder for yourself if you keep holding yourself back. It's going to be hard to fail at things but I'll just learn and make it better next time. For lighting, I honestly rely on natural lighting during the day and I really don't have good lighting around my house. I would love to know some lighting I could purchase, it would be such a big help!! :)

  4. Happy New Year Andrea! You set really good goals for the new year! I'm somewhat in the same position as you, about letting go of the things in the past. Letting go is the main way of freeing yourself from hurt and other negative energy. Over the years I've learned that I can't dwell on the past and I've let many people including family members go because of their constant negativity and creating so much drama. Life is too full of joy and other great things to let anything or anyone hold me back. Very insightful post and I hope this is an amazing year for you!

    1. Happy New Year Pilar! It is so hard letting go but it's the only way you can move forward and be more free and successful. I hope you have an amazing year too!!

  5. For some reason I can't reply directly under your response but this is the lighting I purchased.

    I also use the youtube auto adjust which helps alot.

    My lighting isn't comparable to big time youtubers but they also have better cameras and those $300 ring lights.

    1. Thank you so much Tanya!! I really appreciate it!!


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