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Hair Mask/Treatment Review

Hey guys! I am back with this months theme of March Madness About Hair! Each week, I will be reviewing a DIY Hair Mask or Treatment and reviewing my results. I washed my hair last night and tried this hair treatment out since my hair was straight last month and had some heat used on it. Here is the recipe:

1 Banana
1 Egg
5 Tbsp Milk
5 Tbsp Olive Oil

Mix all ingredients in a blender, apply to hair and leave in for 15-30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo and condition. I got this recipe from

This was very easy to make in the blender. The treatment had a pretty thick consistency and was easy to apply to my hair. I left it in for 15-20 and it was easy to rinse out. My hair felt soft and smooth afterwards and was pretty manageable.

What the treatment looked like after blending:

The Treatment in my hair, lol

After Washing My Hair and Styling

What hair treatments or mask do you use in your hair? Comment and let me know!!

~ ** Drea Notes** ~

Can you believe March is here and it's Daylight Savings Time this weekend?? I'm not ready to lose an hour of sleep!!
New and exciting changes are coming to my blog!!


  1. Fabulous recipe! It looks like a good mix of protein and moisturizer. I normally add EVOO into my deep conditioning treatment. But I don't often do a treatment on my hair...I'm sooo lazy!
    Your hair looks so beautiful!

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha! I usually use warm EVOO in my hair before washing to help soften my hair and make it more manageable to work with!

  2. I like this hair mask recipe! Mom gives me a lot of bananas and I usually just end up baking it into a banana break, now I know I can use it as a hair mask is awesome! Thanks for sharing this girl!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jackie! I read and should of put on here that bananas help with softening your hair and helps it to be more manageable and shiny! Let me know what you think of it!!


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