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What I learned from becoming a Mom

I am loving the Spring weather, I hope it stays lol. As you may know, Mother's Day is coming up and I just wanted to share what I have learned since I've become a mom.

I just love this pic when he was a baby

When I found out I was carrying my son, so many emotions and thoughts were running through my mind. Was I ready to be a Mom? Will I be a good Mom? How do I raise a child? I guess I wasn't able to answer those questions until my son was born. It was love at first sight and I guess the instinct would just kick in. I survived the sleepless nights(still don't know how I still functioned without sleep lol), diaper explosions, spitting up before trying to leave the house and all the fun stuff lol. 

I also loved watching him discover his hands and feet, the cute laughs and giggles, when he started moving around and watching him take his first steps. I was just amazed during the first year and was looking forward to continue watching him grow and develop. 

As he started to grow, I knew that more responsibilities came along with being a Mom. Its was now answering a million questions a day, hearing Mom over and over, the falling out, terrible twos, tantrums, teaching manners and ABC's. I'm so thankful that I didn't have to do this alone but it was rough lol. 

Now six years into motherhood, I feel like I am at that "Why doesn't my child listen" phase. OMG! Sorry for the language but some days, I feel like losing my shit cause my son just doesn't want to listen or act right. And this is only the beginning, he's only 6, how is this going to be when he's 16 and towering over me? 

What I've learned about being a Mom is patience is a virtue. You seriously have to be super patient. Children can be such a handful but I would not trade this anything in the world. My heart just melts when my son tells me he loves me or that I'm his best friend or the best mommy ever. I know there can be a lot of frustrating parental moments but those loving moment, I live for.

I also learned that you have to watch whatever you do because your children are always watching what you do and always listening. I make sure I don't curse in front of my son, listen to music that is not kid friendly (I made a kid friendly playlist on Spotify just for him) and watch whatever I do. He learns from his parents and I want to set a good example. I want him to know that he should never give up on his dreams and always go after what he wants to do in life. There have been nights where I'm up at 1 in the morning and he wakes up from a bad dream and sees me up late working. I want my son to see that I am always working towards my goal and not giving up. 

Everyone's journey of motherhood is and will be different but the same goal in mind, raising our children to be good citizens of this country, be good people and hope they turn out okay. I love my son so much and would not change anything for the world. 

I just hope and pray that my son takes in everything that is being taught to him and applies that wherever he goes and knows that I am always here to support his dreams and whatever he chooses to do in life. I love that he is into sports, music, and just being a kid. I love his sense of humor and loving spirit. He is just a joy to have and be around. I am so blessed that I was chosen to be his mom. It is the best feeling in the world that I helped create life. 

What lessons have you learned from your mom? Hope you enjoy the start of the week and see you guys Thursday!



  1. You are a great mom and I think that eventually him not listening will go away! I hope to one day be able to say the same things about being a mom. I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you Tanya, I hope this phase goes away soon lol! I did enjoy my Mother's Day!

  2. What a sweet post Drea! You're a wonderful mom, and you share such beautiful moments with your son through your pictures. As Tanya stated above, I also want to be able say the same things when I become a mom! I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day!


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