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The Value of Marriage Today....

If you guys don't already know, I am getting married very month to be exact lol. It has been such an experience planning everything, the trying on of dresses, DIY projects, meetings, seating charts and so on. My fiance and I had our finalization meeting yesterday with the venue and we went over everything for the day. We asked to walk through the venue again to make sure we had everything covered. We were outside where the ceremony will take place and I was standing on the aisle and looked up to see my fiance standing a few feet in front of me. It started to really sink in that we are really getting married. After that night, it will be a new chapter in our lives as husband and wife. Now I have heard horror stories on how marriage changes people, they don't realize who they really married and let things just fall apart. I hear that marriage is work and not always easy and so on. I know everyone has a different view and experience on what marriage is or has been to them. I just feel like we are only making things legal and I am taking his last name so our family can be one. I don't think that a title change should change us, we are still the same people that fell in love and want to spend the rest of our lives together. I do understand that you have to be able to live together and be around each other more often, I can see how that can come into play with some things. I am going into this with a positive mind and heart filled with love. I am going to take those vows serious, that we are both in this together like we have been before, always be each others support system, be there in the good and bad times and not give into defeat when things get rough. I want a successful marriage and to be able to celebrate those milestones like 10, 20 and 25 years of marriage. You sometimes don't see that, especially when a marriage falls apart. People are more worried about what caused the downfall and placing blame. I just feel like you can't take some of these celebrity marriages seriously anyway, how do you get married for a couple days and then don't want to be married that person anymore? You have to have a serious mind about committing to someone and not give up when things are "for worse". I have been around a lot of people who are still successfully married, have been married and divorced and even remarried. I try to take more of the good of the marriage than the bad. It is always good to know and listen to other talk about marriage and see how people value it today. 

(Image taken from the web)

Hope everyone has a great weekend and see you guys Tuesday!!


~**Drea Notes**~

I am super excited about my bachelorette party this weekend! I was just told the dates, I have no idea where we are going or what we are doing lol! I just want to have a fun time everyone no matter what we do!

I can't take how big my son is getting, he'll be 6 soon and he has been asking for a sibling lol! 


  1. That is a perfect way to describe marriage! I can't wait to hear how your bach party goes!!

    1. Thanks Elle! I will be posting about that soon!

  2. I'm so glad you aren't worrying about the negatives. I think its actually really a great thing that you already have a child together because alot of time that puts a strain on a marriage but you guys have already made it through that together! From my own experiences with my failed marriage, the one thing I can tell you is that you BOTH need to always be honestly about your true feelings on any subject. If you both are honest with one another, then that's then things fall apart. Also, you need to ALWAYS take the time to spend quality time together where you aren't doing anything else besides enjoying one another's company. That means, laptops down, cell phones away etc. Also don't ever forget what made you fall in love with eachother in the first place! Always keep that spark alive! <3 Can't wait to hear about your wedding. I know it will be beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much for the advice Tanya. Honesty is very important in any relationship and also spending quality time!


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