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On a personal note......

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone has been enjoying the weekend and cold weather! This is something that I've been seeing a lot of lately and I'm kinda fed up with it. I honestly debated on writing about it but it has been on my mind for a while and I just had to write about it. I've been trying to wrap my head around why women do more tearing down of each other instead of being more supportive. I see a lot of this on social media and it's sickening. One thing I saw was a recent YouTuber that hit 1 million and an Instagram page posted a picture of her congratulating her and the comments where so uncalled for and ridiculous. People were basically saying that because she's light skin, she's not black and just being straight up ignorant for no reason. You just couldn't say congratulations on her hitting a milestone, you had to be disrespectful for no reason. I just can't understand why people feel the need to be Internet bullies and say whatever they feel in the comments of people's pages. If you don't like the person, video or picture.....just ignore it. I see a lot of this in my community and I'm tired of it. I'm supportive of everyone, no matter what it is you are doing, what color you are or anything. It is just sad. I'm sick of the battle of natural hair vs relaxed hair. I have had both and just so happens that my hair being in its natural state works better for me. I don't bash anyone that still relaxes their hair, I'm supportive of healthy hair. I'm sick of the light skin vs dark skin. We are all the same race, does it really matter??? We don't support each other enough and then complain about not seeing enough of us hitting 1 million on YouTube or on social media or business owners. We don't support each other!! On the other side of it, I do see women supporting each other, reposting each other, purchasing their products and saying nothing but genuine and good things about them. Why can't we see more of that around? Why can't we just use our good judgment or common sense? I don't know what is wrong with some people. I'm going to continue to be supportive of everyone, even if I don't get the support back. It is okay because I know who I have in my corner and who truly supports me. I'm so appreciative of everyone who has been trying to help me with this blog and make it better and giving me that constructive criticism.I'm going to be more supportive of my fellow bloggers and YouTubers.  I love blogging and hope to start doing tutorials soon. I know that ignorant comments do come with that and ignorant people.I'm surprised that I have 31 subscribers on YouTube and hope to gain more. I hope to gain more readers and commenters on my blog. Its okay if I have a little or huge following. I do this because I love it. I hope that women can come together more and be more supportive instead of tearing each other down.

I'm sorry but I just needed to say something about this. Hey this is my platform here and feel like I should be more personal sometimes and speak about things.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend and see you guys tomorrow.

Have you checked out my previous post on my most recent haul from The Makeup Holiday Pop Up Show??

~**Drea Notes**~

Wow, Christmas is on Friday!! Are you guys ready??

I recently saw the movie Creed! It is a must see, very good movie!!


  1. It's very seems a lot of people don't want to see someone happy or doing better than them. I don't like seeing the disrespect myself :(

    1. I just don't understand it, hopefully things will get better someday! Thanks for stopping by E!!

  2. I agree, we should be supporting and uplifting one another not tearing one another down! I so know the struggle with light skinned vs dark skinned. I have had deal with that a lot growing up. Fantastic post Andrea and I'm looking forward to you tutorials!

    Keisha xo

    1. Thank you Keisha! I hope something good happens soon and we come together. Thanks for reading!!


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