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I'm Thankful.....

It is that time of the year again. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Of course I love eating most of the day and spending time with family and friends. It seems like this is the only time of the year when we reflect over what we are thankful for but I feel we should be thankful everyday. Not trying to take away from Thanksgiving but sometimes we take the simple things for granted and I am guilty of that. There are people out there who do not know where their next meal is coming from, when that job will come through, if there will be enough money to pay all the bills, if they will have roof over their head and so on. I get so bent of shape and stressed over things that I should be more thankful. I have a place to call home, I have a place of employment, I have means of transportation (I don't know how my car is still going but I'm thankful it still runs lol), I have clothes and shoes to wear and I have people who love me. Things may not be rainbows and sunshine but it is a part of life. You go through those ups and downs to make you stronger. I love this saying that GOD doesn't give you more than you can bear. I know there is joy at the end of whatever storm, trial or tribulation you are going through. I am thankful for the gift of patience everyday. I have learned the hard way that I can't control everything and things are going to happen when they are supposed to. My path to life and success is mapped out differently and I will reach that high point when it is my season. I am so thankful for my son who amazes me everyday. I love his little life so much, it's amazing. I'm thankful for the man who wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I love how much we have grown and how much more we love each other. He is always there in my corner and pushing me to do better. I'm thankful for my family and friends who I love so much. I'm going to try to be more thankful everyday for the little things.

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends. See you guys on Tuesday!


  1. Drea, you have a lot of the same insights I have especially about being grateful for the simple things and God not giving us more than we can handle. I think sometimes people can get so consumed in all of our trials and tribulations we can forget to be thankful for the things we do have and the things we have to look forward too in the future. I tell myself that anytime I'm faced with adversity. Beautiful written post, and I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!


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