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On a personal note.....

I don't know about you, but I am so ready for the warm weather. This last snow storm we had was just crazy! I just realized that I have been blogging for 6 months now. It doesn't even seem like it's been that long. I'm so glad I didn't give up this time. I did try to start a blog maybe about 2 years ago and got so frustrated because no one was reading it, so I deleted it. Blogging to me has been a challenge and not as easy as I thought it would be. You really have to keep up your schedule but you can't help what life throws at you, have interesting topics and themes, and just a great platform. Successful doesn't happen overnight, you really have to be patient and have faith in what you are doing. I think I have been doing pretty well so far. I don't have any followers yet but I have people who read and comment which makes me happy. I'm glad I have people reading and I just didn't give up on this. I want to thank you all who do read and comment, it means a lot to me!!  I really wanted to challenge myself and have an outlet that is about me outside of the motherhood, work, relationship me. I'm lucky enough to have family willing to help redesign my blog which is coming soon and really wanting this to be a success. I have great friends who give me stuff to review and talk about on here which I am so grateful for. Yesterday I posted a picture of my Valentine's Day look and had a request to do a tutorial for it. Now trying to do makeup tutorials will be a challenge but I'm willing to take it on. I'm getting better at the Vlogging. I know I do talk pretty fast sometimes and I do that when I'm really nervous. Practice really does help and the more I do videos, the better it will get! I hope to get a great camera soon to do videos with and get the editing software to really make great videos. Since I starting blogging, I have so many ideas floating around for future post and theme and just where I would like to take this. I think blogging is a way to me figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life and just figuring out where I want to be. I hope to have another good 6 months of blogging and much more!!

~ ** Drea Notes** ~
I had an amazing Valentine's Day, hopefully I will get that post up soon.
I can't wait until Summer is here, I haven't been to the beach in so long!
I also can't wait to have some water ice when it gets warm, been having a taste for it. 


  1. Yes this weather is definitely annoying and can't wait for Spring to be here already! We have no more place to put the snow actually and you will see the mounds of snow out on the street are all taller than me now! Hope your staying warm though!
    Oooh can't wait to see your makeup tutorial =) and hopefully more to come!

    1. Yea, I think everyone is about over this snow. I've been staying in the house and not going anywhere unless I have to. Doing this makeup tutorial should be pretty interesting but I think it would be fun and I hope to do more possibly.Thanks for stopping by Jackie!


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