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Liebster Award

Hey guys! I have been nominated again for the Liebster Award by the lovely Rhondine from I Am Born To Blossom

Here are the rules:
Give credit to who nominated you
Answer the questions they've asked you
Nominate 9 bloggers who have 200 followers or less
Formulate 11 of your own questions for them
Notify them of their nomination.

Here are the questions that Rhondine asked and my responses:

How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for 6 months now!
Who has been your biggest supporter since you've started your blog?
My friends and family. One of my best friends gave me all these hair products to try out and review and my cousin is helping me redesign my blog. 
What are your favorite posts to read and write about?
I love to read reviews about other beauty products. Its great to hear other feedback about products that I have been wanting to try out and it helps me decide if I want to spend the money on it or not. I like to write about anything new I purchase or try out. I just get excited when I get something new, especially if its on sale lol!
 Have you ever experienced any negativity from readers on your blog?
Honestly I haven't thank goodness. 
How many lip products are you currently carrying in your makeup bag?
I have two lip balms because I always lose one in my big bag lol , two lip glosses and a lipstick.
What two beauty items (category eg. lipstick) can you not leave home without? 
Lip Balm and Lip Gloss
Quantity or Quality?
It's all about quality with me. I always make sure I'm getting my moneys worth and it's going to work and last for a while.
What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
Besides motherhood, I love to cook, arts and crafts stuff, going sight seeing, hanging out with friends when I can, going to new places and reading.  
What are you most excited about this Summer beauty wise? 
Seeing what new trends will be in season and hopefully trying them out myself so I can blog about it!!
Where did you spend your last vacation and with whom?
I think the last time I was on vacation was back in July 2009 when I went on a cruise to the Bahamas with my best friend. This is so sad, I need another vacation like now!!!!
What is your biggest fear when it comes to blogging?
I'm not going to be successful. Blogging is not easy and you really have to make yourself stand out and very unique! 

Here are my questions:

If you could only blog about one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could have any famous person's wardrobe, who would it be?
If someone was going to pay you 2 million dollars to wear the same outfit for an entire year, would you do it?
What inspired you to start blogging?
If you were asked to star in your own tv series, what would it be about?
What is your favorite cosmetic line?
What is your dream career?
What is your favorite quote or saying?
If you could only use three makeup products from now on, what would they be?
What is your favorite color?
In three words, how would you describe your life?

I'm sure many of you have been nominated already so anyone feel free to answer my questions!


  1. That is so great that you have so many people supporting you and your blog! I also feel that quality is far more important than quality. I think any beauty blogger can agree with that. I enjoyed reading your answers! Thanks for sharing!


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