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January Monthly Favorites

Hey guys, here are the products that I have been loving in the month of January! What were your favorite products last month? Comment and let me know!!

~ ** Drea Notes **~ 

There is just something about flannel bed sheets that just make you sleep better. I just feel so warm and cozy!
I think a cold is trying to come on and it's funny I always said that Moms are not supposed to get sick, lol.
I'm excited for Valentine's Day!


  1. I want to try the Balm products sooo bad! I am loving the lip butters too! I have Pink Truffle and Wild Watermelon. Thanks for sharing your monthly favs!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tanya! I definately want more Lip Butters, I love them! You shoud really try out The Balm!

  2. Hot Mama is a definite favorite in my blush collection! The lip butters are absolutely amazing! I love the hydration and pigmentation of it. I have Sweet Tart and Creamsicle. Thanks so much for sharing your favorites with us! xoxo

    1. I want more from The Balm. I used Hot Mama as an eyeshadow and it was so pretty. I will be getting more lip butters soon! Thanks for stooping by Liz!


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