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On a personal note....

I love that Blogger has a mobile app, you can blog from anywhere. I'm currently on the bus headed to work and felt like being a little personal today. I was in a weird place, I guess for the past couple of weeks. I just didn't feel like me in a way. I tend to really over think way too much and those thoughts started to get to me. I'm always questioning if I'm doing the right thing, taking on too much, not doing enough and so on. I'm grateful for my Tumblr account where I can get those thoughts out. I can be free on there and just clear my head. I just felt like things were chaotic and I couldn't get a hold of it. Life is not always going to be a easy, smooth ride. You are meant to go through some things to help you learn and become stronger. I feel like things are starting to fall into place and things are going to be okay. I've come a long way and learned to be in a more positive place. It changed my outlook on things. I'm more hopeful about the outcome of things and just have a little more faith in things working out. Yes some disappointment may get to me but I still keep going and pushing along. I'm happy I finally stepped out of my doubts of doing tutorials and just did them. I got so much positive feedback from my first makeup tutorial and yes more will be coming. I'm excited and hope more good things will come. Have a great weekend and see you Tuesday!!


  1. I really think positivity is key. I tend to be more negative in general and it really takes a toll on you and your everyday life. When you are more positive it makes you feel better in general. I am really trying to improve with this.

    1. I agree! It took me a long time to figure that out. I'm sure you will find that positively soon. Thank for reading Tanay!

  2. I'm the same way, overthinking and over analyzing everything. surprisingly those quotes on IG, Twitter, Pinterest do help when I read them during my down days! And sometimes a really good cry helps =) Hope all goes well love.

    1. Yes the quotes and occasional crying do help. Thanks for reading Jackie!


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