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Fashion Series Update

I'm going to say sometime last year I started a couple fashion series on here. I really wanted to get into doing my fashion post and seeing where it would go. I got into it and slowly they became far and wide lol. I know I left a few without following up and would like to start them up again.

If you remember, I had Piecing Together and What Goes With This. Piecing Together was finding an outfit on my Pinterest and trying to piece it together as best as I could. What Goes With This was posting an article of clothing that I had trouble matching with something. I would ask you guys for some ideas and go out and find something to pair with that item. I've had the clothes for this series for a while but as I said, just got away from them. I do more outfit of the day pictures on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.

For Piecing Together, here is the last post I did HERE! It took me a while to find an all nude color dress but finally tracked one down. I also put a spin on how I recreated the look. When I tried the all nude look, I felt like it needed some color so I pop some color with the shoes. I played photographer again in my backyard and here is the recreation.

Dress: H&M
Bag: Call It Spring
Shoes: Marshall's
Necklace: Dynamite

I'm surprised I still fit in this dress, I thought it was going to be too tight but it still fits lol!

For What Goes With This, I had pieces to go with the skirt all along lol! After getting some of your suggestions, I looked through my wardrobe and found two shirts to go with the skirt. You can see this post HERE!

Shirt: Macy's
Skirt: Macy's
Booties: Call It Spring
Necklace: Forever 21

Shirt: Zara
Booties: Call It Spring
Necklace: Forever 21

I would love to continue doing fashion related post, I just need to figure out if I want to stick with these or come up with new ones, What are some of your favorite fashion pieces? Comment below and let me know. See you guys Friday!!

Have you checked out my previous post from my series, Shopping My Beauty Samples?

~**Drea Notes**~

I'm so excited! I got some lighting and a background stand. I just need to get some fabric and I'm all set for better looking videos!!

I went to a end of the year party at my son's school earlier. He made me a necklace that I wore all day! It really hit me that I'm someone's Mommy and I love it!


  1. I love all the shoes! Especially the first pair and the orange/coral pair. That black top with the lace back is super cute too. You have great style!

  2. Love all three outfits especially the last all white/cream one.


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