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May Goal Results and June Goals

This weekend went by a little too fast for me lol!! I had fun spending time with family and friends. I was happy my son let me sleep in during the weekend lol! Well today I'm bringing you the results of the goals I set last month and my new ones for June. You can see my previous post HERE . Let's see how I made out this month.

Finish organizing my samples and hair products

Well I got all of my samples in one place. I purchased two 3 drawer storage units and stacked them together. I separated my samples by makeup, skincare, body care, fragrances, shampoo/conditioner and hair styling products. I didn't realize how many samples I actually had and need to use up! As for the hair products....yea.....I didn't get around to those just yet. They are still sitting in boxes and I'm trying to figure out where to actually put them. I'll update you guys on that soon.

30 Ab Challenge

This was a big fail! I did the first week and a half and just stopped. I picked one that you have to complete everyday which I shouldn't of tried. Here is the ab challenge I tried to do lol!

Daily Writing on Tumblr

I actually did very well with this one. I may of skipped a couple days but I kept up with it. It felt good to get some thoughts out and just practice on writing better. I am going to continue to do this daily, maybe just not everyday. You can find me on Tumblr RIGHT HERE!

Here are the goals I have set for June:

Create schedule schoolwork and blogging (including figuring a YouTube Schedule)
Bring Back workout challenge with DVDs
30 Day Accountability and Inspirational Journal

Did you have any goals from last month? How did you make out? Comment below and let me know! See you guys Thursday!

Have you checked out my previous post on my May Birchbox and Ipsy??

~**Drea Notes**~

I tried the new Caramel Waffle Cone frap from Stabucks, I actually like it!

I took my nails off last month and it feels so weird not having them on.


  1. That looked like a pretty serious ab schedule so I can see why it was hard to stick to it! Its good that you were able to succeed at your Tumblr goal.

    1. I know, it was pretty serious. I tried to challenge myself but reached a little far lol! Thanks for reading Tanya!!


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