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Resolute Beauty Blogger- January 2015

Happy Tuesday!! I've been inside all day doing laundry, cleaning, doing projects with my son and the usual stuff I do lol. I know the other ladies finished this series last month but I joined late and wanted to do a full year also. Let's see how I made out with my goals this month!

Blogging Goals

1. Set A Blogging Schedule- Still sticking to my Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. I may think about changing Sunday, not too sure yet.

2. Change Up The Current Style- I finally got over to my cousin's house and we changed the font and the background. I've been trying to figure out how to add the social media buttons on my page. How did some of you add the buttons on? We still have a lot of changes to make but this is a start.

3. Learn More About Blogging- I really didn't get too much into this one but still have my notes and research from last month. I will probably start looking over that soon.

4. Attend A Blogging Event- I still have been unsuccessful with that but I'm determined to find one very soon!!

5. Proof Read Better- I'm still really working on this. I've been reading my post out loud several times to hear mistakes and make corrections. It's still a work in progress but it is getting better.

6. Get Calendar And Blogging Book- I'm still using both and they are really helping me stay so organized. I was just mapping out post for February and always jotting down stuff in my blogging book.

Personal Goals

1. Wear Skirts And Dresses More Often- I have been having so much fun with this. Little fact about me, I used to be a bit of a tomboy growing up. I hated wearing dresses, skirts and stockings. If I wore a skirt, it was a jean skirt with boots lol. I only dressed up when I had to. That all changed when I hit high school and got a little too boy crazy lol. I love putting outfits together and being more girly.

2. Wear Makeup More Often- If you follow me on Instagram (naturalle_drea), I've been posting my makeup looks of the day. I 'm really loving the looks I've been creating and just expressing myself through makeup. I love practicing on myself and hope to start practicing on others.

3. Use BBW Stash- I've been using Cashmere Glow this month and did not buy one single body care product during the semi annual sale! 

4. Be More Prepared And Organized- I have been more consistent this month with having things packed the night before so it makes the mornings so much easier. I've been getting up early for the most part and sometimes I do sleep in a bit lol!

5. Not Stress So Much- I have been pretty good with this one. I have been more calm and cool about stuff. I have a more positive outlook on life and just being more positive. I enjoy my quiet lunches alone still and can't wait until it gets warm again so I can sit outside.

6. Finding Myself and Figuring Out What I Want To Do- So far this month, I have been sticking to a few commitments I made to myself. I stuck it out with doing my fitness challenge, have been job searching more and really pushing myself. I had a few interviews that didn't result in the position but I'm happy I'm being called for one. I know that job is coming. After a long battle with myself, I think I am going to return to school and get my masters degree. I think it would make me more marketable and help me in my career. I'm looking at schools and doing my research. I'm still trying to narrow this career thing down but I know it takes time. I also got away from answering those three questions about myself. I answered the first one which was Who are you, next one I need to work on is What do you do and how do you do it? I will probably have an answer next month.

So that is it for January Resolute Beauty Blogger. What go you goals have you set for the new year? How are you making out? Comment below and let me know. Stay warm and see you guys Friday!!

~**Drea Notes**~

I'm so excited for Thursday tv!!! Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder. I can't wait, I already have wine lol!!

I hope no more snow is coming for the rest of winter, where is spring ??

I miss the Starbucks holiday drinks already!! I hope they have a good one for Spring!


  1. There are people that you can pay a small fee to do the social media buttons if you can't figure it out. Shalunya helped me do mine over a year ago but I can't remember for the life of me how she did it...I am having my whole blog and layout redesigned. I can give you the girls contact info if you decide you want to pay someone to do it . I want to say its like $5-10.

    1. Oh okay, thanks Tanya. I would like her contact info if I can't figure it out lol!

  2. I am so not good at buttons...I would love to have little pink ones on my blog, but for now they will have to stay the way they are until i can figure it out lol . I love your new has such a feminine feel.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thank you Keisha! Eventually I'll figure the social media buttons out lol!

  3. i find that interesting that you don't wear makeup as often! i wear it almost every day. i'm kinda addicted. ;)

    1. I know and as much as I have. Sometimes its hard when you wake up late and making sure your little one is settled. Thanks for stopping by Elle!

  4. Nice goals Andrea! I don't wear makeup everyday even though I love makeup lol! You've been creating some gorgeous fotd on Instagram!

  5. Hey Drea! My goals for the new year have yet to be officially written out but I do want to launch my freelance writing hustle and keep developing quality content for my blog. On the personal side of things, I'd like to keep up with working out regularly, drinking more water, and eating healthier. I know they're all cliches, but these are the things I've been actively working toward even before the new year started. Good luck with your goals for the new year!

    Drea |

    1. I think those are great and attainable goals for the year. I have been working on drinking more water and staying away from the bad snacks I love so much lol!! Thanks for stopping by Drea and good luck!!


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