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The Resolute Beauty Blogger- July 2014

Resolute Beauty Blogger July 2014

Hi Ladies!  Beauty Bloggers Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet and El from Glossy Glam Blog teamed up to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. They wanted to do this to not only stay on track with their Beauty Blog Resolutions for 2014 but also to give other beauty bloggers the chance to join in on the action. 

This is the second month of this series and I have been making some progress with my goals!!

Blogging Goals

1. Set Up A Blogging Schedule: I'm still keeping to my Sunday, Tuesday and Friday schedule and it has been working out great for me!!

2. Change Up Current Style: The design of the blog itself is still in the works but I like how I've been blogging now. I'm going to start saving up for editing software and a camera to vlog with so I can make better videos. 

3. Learn More About Blogging: I really haven't gotten to this one yet. Maybe I can start next month on doing some reading and research.

4. Attend A Blogging Event: I haven't attended one or found one to attend yet. Hoping I get to one sometime.

5. Proof Read Better: I have been good this this one. I don't see too many typos or anything after posting. I make sure I read things thoroughly before hitting the publish button.

6. Get A Calendar And Blogging Book: I forgot the pictures of them last time and remembered for this month!

I found both books at Target and the big 5 Star Notebook is for all my blogging notes and ideas and the other book is my calendar. I keep my work schedule as well as my blogging schedule and try to map out post in advance. They both have been so helpful and keeping me organized!!

Personal Goals 

1. Finding Myself, Figuring Out What I Want To Do: I was reading one my favorite blogs, Curly Nikki and came across this article. It really spoke to me and it asked could you answer these three questions. I'll have to go back and link the article but I'm going to be answering these questions and it's a start to this goal.
-Who Are You?
-What Do You Do And How Do You Do It?
-What Are You Really About?

2. Wearing Makeup More Often: I have been really good with this one. Everyday is not a full face but I'm wearing some kind of makeup. I give my face about a day or two without it so my skin can breathe. 

3. Wearing Skirts And Dresses More Often: I have been really good with this one too. I have been breaking out skirts that I haven't worn in a while. I have also been rocking a lot of maxi dresses to work. It makes getting dressed easy in the morning and I'm not too hot in them.

4. Using BBW Stash More: So about this one, lol! I have been using Bath And Body Works but a new scent that I feel in love with in the store (You will see it in July's Favorites) but I will try to reach for what I already own.

5. Be More Prepared And Organized: I have been on and off with this one. There are just some nights that I'm so tired or my son wakes up in the middle of the night and I get lazy. The days that I have prepared the night before have made the mornings so easy. I still have a thing about laying my clothes out the night before but that is something that I can work on.

6. Not Stressing Out So Much: Yea, I still had a few meltdowns but I've been a lot calmer and relaxed in a way. On my lunch break, I drive around to the back of the building and sit in my car. I roll all the windows down and I'm in the shade of course. I'm not playing any music, just listening to the wind or traffic going by. It helps clear my mind and not to think about a lot. I've also been praying a whole lot more and it has been helping me. This one is still a work in progress but I'm starting to see little changes in myself.

So that is it for the update on my goals. Have you been working towards some personal and blogging goals? How have you been coming along? Comment below and let me know!

~**Drea Notes**~

We had another child-free Sunday afternoon so we went to lunch and sat out by the waterfront. 

Still looking to get some Cotton Candy and Funnel Cake before Summer is gone.


  1. Great goals Andrea...looks like you are making good progress! I would also love to attend a blogging event. I have the same personal goal as you....Not Stressing Out So Much. A lot easier said than done...but I'm working on it.

    I totally enjoyed reading this post.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thank you Keisha. That not stressing out is going to take some time but it will get better. I hope you find ways to not stress so much too.

  2. could work on the stress part!!! argh.

    1. Oh I know Elle! Hope you work through it. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow, great progress on your goals! Keep up the great work! Stressing is something that I am a pro at!

    1. Thanks Tanya! Seems like everyone is dealing with stress now!

  4. I definitely should learn more about blogging, most of all about html! And I should wear more skirts and dresses, I live in pants. It may sound strange but I prefer skirts in winter, in summer I feel naked!!

    1. Funny thing is, I don't like wearing skirts too much on the Winter because of it being so cold! Let me know if you have any finding about blogging! Thanks for stopping by!!


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