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Favorite Summer Beauty Products

Hey Guys!! Happy Friday!! This post is going to be about my favorite beauty products that I love to use all Summer long!! I'm thinking of turning this into a seasonal post.

Tinted Moisturizer

When it starts to get really humid and hot outside, I like to keep it light on my face. I put away my BB cream and other foundations and only use my tinted moisturizer. The only one that I have found in my shade is by Stila. This was $34 but so worth it. It is so lightweight, I forget I have it on. It blends so well with my complexion and gives a nice fresh and flawless look. It also has SPF 20 which is good when you are in the sun. Hopefully I can find another tinted moisturizer that matches me but for now I'll stick with this one.


I just love the glowy, bronze look during the summer. These are two of my favorite bronzers to use during the summer. I have two from Victoria's Secret but I dropped one and it is in pieces :( so I have been using this Mega Glow Bronzer. It has just the right amount of shimmer and just looks amazing. I got this during a Semi Annual sale so I'm not sure if this one is still being sold but they do have great bronzers. When I don't want to wear a shimmer bronzer, I reach for my Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer in Medium/Deep. This smells just like chocolate and makes me want some every time I use it. I love the color pay off and just how good it looks.

Gold and Bronze Shadows

I love rocking a gold or bronze shadow during the summer. It goes so well with the glowy, bronze look that I love so much. I do use other colors but tend to grab for gold or bronze shadows. These two are Mulch and Amber Lights by Mac.

Bright Polish Colors

I love bright colors and cannot wait until Spring and Summer to wear them on my nails. I always wear bright pink all summer but try to switch up the colors with yellows, blues, corals and other fun colors. I have so many bright nail polish colors to choose from.

Fruity and Floral Scents

When it starts to get warm, I put away my musky, strong scents and bring out my floral and fruity scents. To me, these scents are lighter and perfect for the warm weather and just scream summer.

So that is it for my favorite summer beauty products. What products you do love to use in the summer? Comment below and let me know!!

~** Drea Notes **~

Okay, I'm going to attempt to get back in the gym. 

I want to cut out sugar but its so hard. I love sweet stuff and still looking for a substitute!!

Since my no buy has been over, I really haven't gone crazy and brought much. I do want to get some stuff off my wish list!!


  1. Yes, yes and yes!! I agree with you! I too love golden and bronzed shadows, fruity scents and bright polishes!

    1. Everything makes summer better in a way and makes it more fun!! Thanks for stopping by Lily!!

  2. I love wearing golds and bronzes during the summer also, and vibrant polishes are a must...even tho I don't paint my finger nails lol I do however paint my toes and love to sport bright shades on them.

    Have a fab day!

    Keisha xo

    1. 'm bad with keeping up with painting my finger nails. I'll do it one week and then nothing for the next lol! I hope you had a good day too Keisha and thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love bronzey shadows for the summer! Too Face Chocolate Soleil bronzer is awesome.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tanya!! Too Faced bronzer is pretty awesome!! I want to try the Chocolate Bar pallet!

  4. Love your picks! I'm all about the tinted moisturizers and I love your nail polish choices. Ok so I have a question, I've been wanting to try bronzing but I have no clue how to chose a bronzer for my skin

    1. Thanks Rhondine!! I know Mac has pretty good bronzers and NYX. You want to pick one that gives your skin a nice glow.

  5. I go for gold and bronzy shadows too every Summer. I'm trying to add some color on my eyes lately but I usually stick to these shades when I'm in a rush. Those bronzers are pretty, I still have to try that Too Faced bronzer which everybody loves. Great faves and it is so Summer-y!

    1. Thanks Jackie. The Too Faced bronzer is pretty great if you want a matte bronzer!


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