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DIY Hair Mask Reviews

Hey guys!! I was waiting to try out a few hair mask to review them. I love making my own hair mask with the ingredients right in my kitchen. It saves on money and the natural ingredients really help with softening and nourishing your hair. I'm going to be talking about 3 different hair masks that I have use over the past couple of months.

Mask #1

1 Cup of Coconut Milk
1 peeled and mashed Avocado
1 Tbsp Honey

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, apply and massage into hair and scalp. Leave in for 15-60 minutes. You can heat the treatment.

Now I had the toughest time with the avocado, I must of gotten one that wasn't all the way ripe. I didn't do a good job of mashing it up so I was having fun shaking little chunks of it out of my hair. I did heat up the mask and I loved the results I got. My hair was so soft and was so easy to manage. I would use this one again but maybe put the avocado in the blender.

Mask #2

I Avocado
2 Tbsp Honey
1 Tsp Avocado or Olive Oil ( I used Olive Oil)
Blend together and leave in for an hour

Now I was smarter this time and made this one in the blender. Look how smooth and thick it is. It looked well blended but it wasn't. I need a new blender because I found small pieces of avocado in my hair and it was not fun trying to get them all out!! I really didn't like this mask too much. My hair felt a bit rough and it was a bit tangled for some reason. It felt soft after washing my hair but it was tough detangling my hair at first. I'll probably have to adjust the ingredients in this one.

Mask #3

1 Egg
2-3 Tbsp Honey
2-3 Tbsp Oil of your choice (I use Jamaican Black Castor Oil)
Conditioner of your choice ( I used Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Conditioner)

This one that I found online didn't have any instructions so I just mixed everything together and left it in my hair for an hour.

I just added enough conditioner to make the mixture creamy and smooth. I have to say this is one of the best DIY hair mask I've ever used! My hair was so soft after rinsing this out and it stayed soft for a week! I may start using this one more often!

So that is it for my reviews on the hair mask I have used. I have more recipes that I found online that I will be trying out soon. What is your favorite DIY Hair Mask? Comment below and share the ones that you had success with!!

~** Drea Notes**~

Can't believe my little guy is going to be 3 next month!! Where did the time go?

From now on, I'm grilling dinner lol. It makes things so much easier!!


  1. i love a good diy and create my own recipes. i shared hair smoothies as well as hair masks on the blog before.

    1. I have read your post about the DIY Hair Mask and will definitely try them out! Thanks for stopping by Elle!!

  2. Thanks for sharing these with us! They sound easy enough!

    1. No Problem Tanya! Let me know if you try one of them out!! And make sure you get a ripe enough avocado lol!!

  3. I love creating my own beauty products with items in my kitchen. These were such fab recipes. I think my fav would be the first one...I love using coconut.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha, let me know if you try that one out!


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