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On a personal note.....Birthday Edition

Well, its past midnight and officially my birthday. I'm not 30 until 11:11am according to my mom, lol! I was so scared at the thought of turning 30 and leaving my 20s. I had some really great times in my 20s. I got to experience the college life and meet all kinds of new and interesting people, been out in the real world working and trying to find my way, became a mom and just experienced a lot out there. I don't like that fact of getting older but things can only get better hopefully from here. Plus, I still look so young so I can get away with not looking older anyway lol. But I'm just happy to see 30 and have what I do have in my life. I know that I really need to get it together and push to get to where I thought I would be at 30. I believe that I have grown up a lot and have been learning from all the mistakes I've been making. I think I know better about most situations and just have more sense. I hope 30 brings new and exciting things into my life and just continue to grow and learn about life.


  1. Happy birthday pretty!
    You don't look like you just hit all!
    Best wishes, hugs!

  2. These milestone birthdays seem so difficult. But as a woman that has more than a decade on you, I can tell you that it is all what you make it. Women in their 30-40s are more self assured. We know what we want and how to get it. We are done playing foolish games that seem to be so popular with younger women and we don't need to take other women down to feel empowered. You are beautifully, gloriously you! Embrace your 30s for all they are worth. I really enjoyed my 30s and I am sure you will love yours as well. Happy birthday doll. I hope it's a grand one!

    1. Thank you so much Shalunya! I'm feeling much better about being 30 now, things can only get better from here!

  3. Hope you had a fabulous birthday! You certainly don't look a day past 25. Plus age is just a number. You're as old as how you feel. Xo


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