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Brown Box Hair Product Review

Hey guys, I am back with another review some hair products I recently used on Tuesday.

Giovanni Smooth As Silk Deeper Moisture Conditioner

I used this conditioner to co-wash my hair and this stuff is pretty amazing. It had great slippage that made it so easy to finger detangle my hair. It smelled so good and left my hair feeling very clean and soft. I would definitely purchase this to use in my hair. The full size container is about 5-6 dollars in drugstores like Target and Walmart.

Eden Jojoba Monoi All Natural Deep Conditioner

I used this after washing my hair and this deep conditioner did wonders to my hair. My hair in need of some moisture and this went beyond the job. I applied to my hair for about 30 minutes and rinsed. My hair felt so soft and was very manageable. I will be purchasing this when I use this up. I really recommend trying this deep conditioner!! This is the full size container and the price point is about 10 and I think this can only be found at Walmart.

Eden Coconut Shea All Natural Leave-In Conditioner

I used this leave-in conditioner before styling my hair and I really like it. Not only does it smell good, it really keeps your hair moisturized and very soft. It is a bit thin than other leave-ins I have used but it does the job. I think I would purchase this to use, it works well with the next product that I will talk about. The full size product is about 8-9 dollars and can be found at Walmart.

Eden Coconut Shea All Natural Pudding Souffle

Lastly, I used this product along with the Leave-In conditioner to style my hair and these two products work really well together. I love the thick texture of this styling product and how it had a nice, soft hold on my hair. I would purchase the full size container of this which is about 8-9 dollars at Walmart.


  1. I have not seen this brand at Wal Mart but will keep my eyes open for it. It sounds great! Thank you so much for sharing with us and giving us great descriptions.

    1. I'm not sure if it is certain Walmarts but I believe you can find Eden at your local beauty supply store or maybe Sally's! Thanks for stopping Shalunya!!


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