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The weekend is almost here! I know that at some point, I need to take a nap during the weekend and relax lol! What are you guys doing this weekend?

Today is part 2 of my IMATS post and today is the vlog. I used iMovies to edit this, I could not figure out Final Cut Pro for the life of me lol! Do any of you know how to use it? 

So that is my vlog from IMATS, look out for the haul next week. I hope you guys enjoy the weekend and see you Tuesday!


~**Drea Notes**~

My son started baseball this year, he is doing pretty well so far.

I need to go on another makeup no buy, especially after IMATS and Sephora lol. 


  1. That's great you didn't have to wait in a ton of long lines. I waited in lines for most of the 2 days when I went a couple years ago. I also didn't think the discounts are worth it and thats its more for makeup artists. Since you are so close to NY thats a totally different story. It just wasn't work it for me to spend over $500-1000 for one weekend just to spend more money there! lol

    1. Yea some of those lines are crazy but some of the discounts were worth it. I don't I'll go again for a little while lol. Thanks for watching Tanya.


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