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On A Personal Note...

I had another post planned for today but I'm not sure what was up with my laptop and the pictures downloading super slow. I got a little impatient and wasn't going to write anything but something just came to me. It seems like there is so much going on right now, it is hard to see anything that is positive in the world. It just seems like everything is so crazy and out of control. I know a lot of people feel fear, anger, sadness and hurt. I just felt so inspired after attending The Fearless Conference. It was great to be around so many women and no one was talking about each other in a negative way, everyone was super sweet, down to earth and genuine. You don't see a lot of that on tv now. I know reality television is supposed to be for entertainment but how women are being portrayed sometimes is not right to me. I have stopped watch a lot of those shows because I just see women tearing each other down, calling each other outside of their name, being very disrespectful and so on. I see a lot of that in real life and its sad. We should be more united than ever now instead of being jealous because she has longer hair, she's prettier, she looked at you the wrong way. I wish more positivity can be portrayed more than what is going on. I used to hate when people talked about me behind my back, especially people who I thought were my friends. It would hurt and really get to me. I didn't understand it and then I started doing it. I realized that I didn't like how I felt so why would I do that to someone else? There is no reason to be jealous or hateful towards anyone. You are unique and were made different for a reason. I love myself and it it took me a while to reach that point but I was so thankful when I did. I felt so much better that I could look in the mirror and love what I see. I stopped comparing myself to these other images out here because I didn't want to look like anyone else. I love how different I am from everyone else and I know there are others that feel the same way. It is so hard when there are all these famous images out there. You want to have legs like that person, abs of steel like this one, huge boobs like this one. I will admit that when I saw Teyana Taylor, it made me want to hit the gym hard lol. I know I wouldn't have abs like hers but I want to get back in the gym for myself. I want to be healthy for my family and for myself. I don't want to be out of shape because my son runs so fast and I need to keep up with him lol. I just wish one day I will see more positivity and love and support of each other. I know it is out there, I don't see too much but I know it is out there.  We all have one goal in mind, that's to succeed. Let's cheer and encourage each other that we can make it, that we all can be successful and make it. 



  1. Great post future Mrs. Johnson! TV networks need to get back to providing quality content. It's sad but drama, gossip and fighting have become the new norm not only on tv but in society.

    1. Well thank you Mr. Johnson. It is sad how "reality" tv is spilling over into real life and people are not seeing the difference. Hopefully things will change. Thanks for reading!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This is so true and I agree with you 100%. Great post Drea :)

    1. Thank you so much Tanya and thanks for stopping by!


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