Time management.....how do you manage?? We all want to get everything done in the 24 hour day but it seems like there isn't enough time in the day. I feel like I may be taking on too much or losing how to manage everything. There is so much I want to do and it is like I don't have enough time. Maybe I'm over thinking and I do that a lot but I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed with everything. I know what is important but there is so much that is a priority. It is already tough being a full time working mom and now fiance' but throw in grad student, blogger and now wedding planner. Also still finding time to be around friends, date nights,working out and family time. Sometime it is a miracle how I even get everything done. Sometimes I'm running around like a crazy person but you wouldn't see that. I keep it looking like I have it all together and not letting others see that you are going crazy. That you have a million and one thoughts running through you...
~My outlet to talk about my love of beauty, fashion, hair and makeup.~