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Homemade Decadence Review

I know I'm not the only one who is so over Winter. I hope this storm is the last one!!! Happy Thursday!! This post is going to be on the December Book choice from the Birchblogger Book Club. I was so excited to get a cookbook this time. I love cooking and this book was right up my alley. Let's get into Homemade Decadence by Joy Wilson.

I was literally drooling while flipping through the pages of this book. There are so many recipes for breakfast foods, drinks, cakes, pies and even ice cream!! I got so excited as I was deciding what to make. This is Joy Wilson's second cookbook and I just love it so much!! She is a self taught baker who became a professional and later on a photographer and author. I love the mix of sweet, salty and savory recipes. Some of the items are very interesting like Black Sesame Seed Shortbread and Dirty Chai Tea Lattes. There is something in here for everyone! So far, I have only made two things but I plan on baking a whole lot more! Here are some pictures of the baked goods.

Brown Sugar Cupcakes

Strawberry Shortcake Cookies

Everything is so easy to make and it gives so many tips and tricks to baking. This would be a great housewarming gift, something for a first time baker or someone like me who loves cooking. If you are looking for some new recipes to try, I really recommend this book. You can find this cookbook on Amazon. 

So that is it for this book review. What are some of your favorite cookbooks? What do you like to bake? Comment below and let me know. Be safe, stay warm and see you on Sunday. Check out my previous post reviewing Insta Natural Essential Oils. 

~**Drea Notes**~

I can't wait to have some water ice soon!! 

I have gotten back to working out this month and it's going very good so far.


  1. i can just imagine how yummy everything is in that book!

    1. It really is Elle!! I literally just want to make everything in this book. Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. The Strawberry Shortcake Cookies look yummy!

    1. They were Tanya. Those cookies only lasted for two days and they were gone lol!! Thanks for reading!!

  3. You are not the only one who is over Winter lol! This this sounds like a great cookbook with a lot of delicious recipes! I need to check this out! I love making homemade Italian pasta dishes like stuffed Manicotti Shells, and Lasagna. I also like to bake homemade lemon and regular pound cake. Great post Andrea!

    1. I haven't made lasagna in so long!! It is one of my favorite dishes!! I think you would like this book Pilar, thanks for stopping by!!

  4. The cookies look really tasty!! I do like to bake and cook, but lately I haven't been able to find the time.

    Keisha xo

    1. I understand not having that much time to cook. I love it when I have the chance and sometime go overboard lol!! I have been getting request to make those cookies again lol!! Thanks for stopping by Keisha!!


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