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Brown Box Hair Product Review

Happy Sunday!! I thought Winter was really over but it is really trying to stay. I couldn't believe that it snowed on the first day of spring!!! Well I haven't done a post in this series since December. I have been really using my favorites so much I forget I have these products siting in my room to use. Let's get into the reviews.

Karen's Body Beautiful Sweet Ambrosia Leave-In Conditioner

Leave in conditioners are such a must in my hair routine. They really help with keeping the moisture in my hair and keeping it soft. I always love trying out new leave-ins. I really loved the sweet smell of this one. I wasn't too crazy about the consistency because I like my leave-ins to be kinda thick. I was a little disappointed that it didn't keep my hair as moisturized as other ones that I have used before. I probably wouldn't repurchase this one. This products runs for 12.00 and can be found on their website or in Target.

III Sisters of Nature Natural Curling Gelo

I was very excited to try this out. I love trying out anything that will make my hair stay all week. This curling gelo smelled just like cherry candy, I loved the scent. This had a nice and thick consistency that I really liked. It gave my hair a nice, soft hold and didn't flake at all. My hair stayed defined all week and I was pretty impressed. I'm really interesting in trying out more products from this company.This runs for 9.99 on the company's website. Here is a picture of my hair after using this styling product.

Lustrasilk Moisture Max Hydrate Therapy Deep Conditioner

Deep conditioning is also a very important part of my hair routine. I deep condition my hair every time I wash it, which is every week. It really helps with keeping my hair healthy and manageable. I always think these sample packs won't have enough product for all of my hair but this one did. This deep conditioner smelled amazing and I love the thick texture of it. This left my hair feeling so silky, soft and smooth. I would get this again. The full size is around 6.00 and can be found in most drugstores such as Walgreens, Walmart and Rite Aid.

DevaCurl 3 Step Intro Kit

I got this in a Birchbox a couple months ago but wanted to include it with this series. I have always wanted to try products from this brand and was excited when I received this. It comes with three products  that pretty much go together. I was very surprised that each packet had more than enough to use in my hair. I'll talk about each product (I forgot to take pictures of each one lol).

No- Poo Zero Lather Conditioning Cleanser

This cleanser had a pretty strong peppermint scent but it wasn't too much. It really didn't lather at all and really got my hair clean. My hair felt so soft after using it. The full size runs between 8.95-39.95 depending on the size.

One Condition

I think I used this as my leave-in conditioner, I don't remember. This conditioner smelled so good and I loved using it. It kept my hair moisturized and soft all week. This conditioner is between 8.95-39.95 for different sizes.

Light Defining Gel

I used this after washing and conditioning my hair as my styler. This smelled so amazing and loved the texture of this gel. It really defined my hair and gave it a nice soft hold. There was no flaking at all. This product is also priced between 8.95-39.95 depending on the size.

Overall, I really loved the DevaCurl products and would repurchase again. I'm also interested in trying out other products from this brand as well. Here is a picture of my hair after using everything.

That is it for another Brown Box Hair Product Review. I would say this was a pretty successful one. I still have a good amount of products to use and review for you all. Have you tried of these products? what were your thoughts? Comment below and let me know. Enjoy your week and see you Thursday!!

Check out my previous post of Drea's Empties.

~**Drea Notes**~

Can't wait to play the Easter Bunny again!! My son is already asking about getting jelly beans lol!!

It's getting closer to starting school again, I'm getting pretty excited.

So glad Spring is sort of here lol. I can't wait to wear my bright colors!!


  1. Your hair always looks so beautiful! I saw the Devacurl when I was visiting the US earlier this year. I wish I would have picked it up.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thank you Keisha!! Next time you have to pick up something, I really like their products!!

  2. i have heard great things about deva curl!!

    1. Me too and glad I got to try something. They do have really good products!! Thanks for stopping by Elle!!


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