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On a personal note....

Its been a while since I have posted on this series! I have just been so busy with just about everything! Can't believe March is already here but Spring still hasn't made an appearance lol! The other day I was getting ready in the morning and I just heard my son calling "Mommy! Mommy!" Still crazy that I'm a mommy now and its just amazing how you can just love someone so much. I'm loving every minute of this. I've always loved children, I have lots of smaller cousins, nieces and nephews. It was just great to have them around, laughing and playing and just having so much fun. I always tried to imagine what kind of parent I would be, what my kids would be like and everything. I was initially scared when I discovered I was pregnant. It was like wow, I'm really going to experience bringing another life into this world. I just worried so much about doing everything right, eating right, making sure he was going to be healthy and taking care of myself. As it got closer and closer to my due date I really thought about how life was really going to change. How it's not just the two of us anymore, we have someone else to take care of. My role as a person was going to change and I was hoping I would be a good parent and raise my son as best as I could along with my boyfriend together. I'm just so thankful that I have so many life lessons from my family and the support from friends and family. When the day came, I was just so anxious to meet my son and see his face. I was so emotional when I first saw him. It was amazing that I really had a child. It was love at first sight. I was just in awe of this little person. Just to see the person that was kicking me all hours of the night and know that this is our responsibility now. It was crazy when we left the hospital because it was like " Okay so what do we do now?" So far we both have done such an amazing job with our son. He is such a happy and wonderful person who brings a lot of happiness. We couldn't of imagine life without him. It really has been an adjustment but I love gushing over him so much! I really would like more children, not sure on how many more but hopefully I have a girl in the mix. Even though things in my personal life are slowly coming together, he keeps me pushing myself. I can't just give up or throw in the towel on some things, I don't want to show him that. I know it takes a lot of hard work to get through rough patches but I'm determined to really make it. 

~** Drea Notes **~

This cold weather is really taking a toll on my hands, they have been so dry lately!!
I think I want to start running more when it gets warmer.


  1. Aww what a lovely post. I want to have a baby soon but at the same time I'm very nervous about pregnancy, motherhood, and my life changing so much. I'm sure your son is adorable!

    1. Thanks Tanya. I was nervous and scared too about becoming a mom but its all worth it. Just don't rush it, have them when you're ready to. I have a picture or two on Twitter of my son, he is the cutest little person!!

    2. I'll have to go on twitter and check out his pics!


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