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New Beauty Products

Hey guys! Well I was in Sephora the other day and picked up a few things! I have read about a few of these products from Rhondine  and decided to try them out! I haven't used them yet but there will be full reviews on everything!!

Josie Maran Lip Argan Lip Treatment

Korres Lip Butter in Guava
Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Damned

Have you tried any of these products? Comment and let me know!!

~ **Drea Notes** ~

I gave up meat for Lent and it's so hard trying not to order it when I'm out but so far, I'm doing good!
I have a haul post coming soon, just picking up stuff here and there.
Hoping the nice weather stays because I don't want to get sick again!!


  1. Yay!!!! I hope you enjoy them all! That Korres lip butter sounds yummy! Have fun with your new products :)

    1. It was a treat to myself lol! I think I will enjoy them, thanks for posting about them!!

  2. Nars is so pretty!
    I just followed you on G+
    My latest post :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by Naomi! I will be sure to check out your post!!

  3. I'm so jealous of that lip scrub... I really want to give it a whirl. I first heard about it on Rhondine's blog also and have added it to my wish list. I can't wait to here your thoughts on it.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks for stopping by Keisha! I was wondered in Sephora one day and decided to just pick it up after reading about it on Rhondine's blog too.


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