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Being patient is key....

My fiance sent this to me a while ago on Instagram and I have reposted this myself. (And excuse the language in this one)

This really spoke to me and I have been quiet about a few things that have been going on. I don't tell everyone moves that I'm making because there are those who will try to talk you out of it or tell you that you can't accomplish that. 

I can finally say that after a lot of hard work, I got a promotion at work!!! I wanted to wait until it was official but I am super excited for this new job! I actually applied for this job three times and I guess third time is the charm. After this position came up again, I was so over it and ready to give into defeat. People understood my reasoning but encouraged me not to give up so easily. I really, really appreciate those that encouraged me, didn't let me give up and talked me out of not trying again. My manager even helped me prep for the interview which I went in more confidently and did so well. I can't express what it means to have people who see your potential and want to see you do better and are willing to help you get to the next level. I am truly grateful and just so happy. I have worked so hard and hard work really pays off. Also being patient and waiting for your turn. I was just wondering why everyone else was moving up, getting promotions and I'm still sitting here. It wasn't my time yet and I'm glad I have learned to be so patient and wait, look what happened! 

I wanted to tell any of you ready to give into defeat, ready to give up.......KEEP GOING AND DON'T GIVE UP! I can truly attest to it and know how it feels. You have to go through the storm to get to the sunshine and rainbows. I hope this encouraged some of you and motivated some of you to give it that extra push. Have a great weekend and see you guys Tuesday!!!


~**Drea Notes**~

My son already has a loose tooth! I'm not ready for him to grow up! Lol!

We are going for a tasting this weekend and I'm excited. Hopefully we can decide on the menu. It is getting so close!!


  1. Congrats on your promotion Drea! How exciting! I'm like that too sometimes when I'm over something and feel like quiting, I keep going. I usually stay quiet about my goals as well. Isn't it sad how people can try to be negative influences when you want to accomplish goals?! I know not everyone is like that, but in life you would think we all should want each other to make it and be successful. Great post!


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