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Welcome To 2017...No Resolutions Here

Happy New Year!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday with family and friends! I am not ready to go back to work lol! I really enjoyed being about to spend Christmas break with my son. We had so much fun and I even got back into the gym!! This wedding is in 6 months and I want to be snatched and slaying down the aisle lol! (But I'm serious, I will be slaying tho lol). It was the perfect time to hop back in the very now crowded gym and it felt so good. I just need to stay away from all the junk food I love so much (especially when people bring donuts into work) and I'll be good. I'm so thankful to be seeing another year and starting it off in a good way. 2016 was pretty interesting and I have learned a lot about myself. I went through a lot of emotional ups and downs and learned so much about the power of being patient and waiting on things to happen when they are supposed to. Everyone has their own path and trying to jump on someone else's path will take you off course. I am just happy for the little things in life and excited for what 2017 has in store. I'll update you guys on the wedding stuff soon but things are coming together. I used to make resolutions every year about what I'm going to do, how I'm going to change and so on. Life is unpredictable and you don't know what will happen in the new year. Honestly, I forgot about my resolutions and didn't stick to them. I do have my monthly goals on here and it is easier for me to complete then trying to chase something for a year that I know may not happen or can be out of my control. I know for a fact that I want to stay in my positive mind and spread that around like glitter lol. I know I want to read more books and be a better Drea this year. I know there are some things I can improve on and it takes time. I'm still a work in progress and proud of where I am today. I'm just excited for year for obvious reasons lol and just where it will take me and my family. See you guys Thursday!!

~**Drea Notes**~

Have you seen the show This Is Us?? is so good. We caught up on all the episodes, If you haven't seen it, you should!

I need to take week vacations more often, I loved the break from work and I didn't think about it once until it was time to go back lol! 


  1. I agree, coming up with a list of goals is pretty hard to stick to for the most part but the two that I really plan to focus on are being more positive in life and looking for a new job. Happy New Year!

    1. I like the focus on being more positive. It can be hard when a lot of things are going on. Thanks for reading Tanya and good luck on the job search!


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