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Happily Ever Johnson: 6 Months to Go!

Did you enjoy all that snow we got this weekend? My son was super happy to get outside and play in the snow! Well we are six month away from the big day!! I don't think I started freaking out yet but probably will as it gets closer and closer. I put up this picture on Facebook on New Years Day with the caption Mr. and Mrs. Johnson in 2017!

I have been in full wedding mode for a while and just trying to get things together, make sure we have everything and so on. The invitations have been ordered and I love them! That process was so hard! There were way too many choices to choose from and it was hard trying to narrow it down but the person who I ordered them from was super helpful! She really explained what I could and could not change on certain invitations, how my wedding colors would fit into the invites, how different fonts would look and so on. I was glad that I could make a decision because I honestly would still be looking at invitations lol. I have my centerpieces, bouquets and boutonnieres picked out (Thank you Pinterest lol) so I just have to go out with my wedding planners (aka My Mom and Aunt) to find everything we need for them. I have the guest list pretty much done, just need to figure out the seating charts which will probably drive me crazy lol! I'm trying to figure out wedding favors and other small things. Our plans are really coming together and its exciting! Here is an inspiration of the color scheme for the wedding that I got of course from Pinterest lol!

Image taken from the web


~**Drea Notes**~

It's my birthday month!!! I hope there won't be a blizzard on my birthday again lol! Funny thing, I was snowed in with my Mom on my 21st birthday lol. 



  1. I love the picture of you two above and that necklace is pretty! Sounds like things are really starting to come together for you.

    1. Thank you Tanya, I believe I got it at Forever 21! Yes things are coming together for us and its pretty exciting!


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