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Blogger Behind The Scenes Tag

My Christmas tree is still up lol. That is only part I don't like about the holidays is taking everything down. I will get to it soon, hopefully. So during my Christmas break, I was reading through everyone's blogs and commenting and came across a tag Rhondine at Napps & Sass did. I thought it was a nice tag so I decided to do it myself!

Where do you blog?

I am always on the couch with a glass of wine, laptop on lap and sometimes watching tv. I sometimes blog from my tablet or phone but majority of the time, it is on the couch.

Where do you find inspiration for your blog post?

I try to map things out ahead of time so I can figure out what I want to blog about, what products I want to review and videos to record. I love talking about beauty products that I've tried and love, my subscription boxes, hair and fashion so the inspiration comes from there.

How long does it take you to do a blog post?

It really depends on the type of post. If it involves a video, that takes the longest. I'm bad with pre-recording, most of the time I'm filming the night before, editing, taking pictures, waiting for it to upload. That take a few hours. If it is a review on a product, it can take about a half hour to 45 minutes. If it is a personal post, it takes about a half hour.

Do you plan your blog post? If so, how?

Yes I plan my blog post. I use my task calendar on my tablet to keep track of what I want to post for the month. I usually see what products I've used to review, have one or two personal posts, my subscription box and favorites. I just go through the month and map out what post I'm going to do each week and try to plan ahead with the picture taking and filming.

What is your favorite type of blog post to write?

I really like when I review my beauty samples. It is fun trying out new products that I've received from subscription boxes and seeing what works and what doesn't. I always discover new favorites and exposed to companies that are new to me.

What kind of camera do you use?

For my pictures, that is all my phone lol. I have the LG5 and love the camera on it. When I record my videos, I am currently using the FujiFilm Finepix S. I am in the market for a new camera to record with and take pictures with.

What editing program do you use?

Adobe Premier

Do you use a notebook to track your ideas?

I use to but now I use my tablet for that. It is easier to carry around lol.

Do you take your own pictures?

Yes I do!

Who knows about your blog?

My family and friends know about it and those that follow me on here and social media.

Are you an organized or messy blogger?

I will say that I am in the middle. I do plan out my post ahead of time but always doing things last minute lol. I'm working on it!

Biggest Blogging Pet Peeve?

Hmmmm.... I don't think that I have one lol.

So that is it for this tag. I tag all of you who read this to this as well. See you guys Friday!



  1. This was fun to read. Its interesting to hear about different bloggers style of blogging. I might do this and post it along with my Dec favorites.

    1. It is interesting to see how everyone blogs and what equipment is used. Thanks for reading Tanya!!

  2. What a fun tag! I was thinking about doing an upcoming post similar to this one. I usually blog in the Den while I watched TV. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I look forward to reading your Pilar! Thanks for stopping by!


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