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Year 3 Reflection

Can't believe my blog is three years old now!! It seems like this time went by so fast!! I was just trying to figure out the direction of this, what I hoped to gain from it and just how to truly express myself through my words. It has been a challenge I will say and not an easy job. I recently took on really trying to make better quality videos and growing my YouTube channel. I can't believe I have 51 subscribers now!! I stopped being so scared to do makeup and hair tutorials and they seems so easy to film but not so much fun to edit lol! I commend those that do this for a living. It is a lot with trying to get the lighting right, the correct camera angles, you looking presentable then mashing the footage together and making sure it flows right. I have been up in the wee hours of the morning doing voiceovers a couple times, waiting for the video to upload and so on. It was hard but if you want that success, you have to put in the work. I also did my first vlog and it was so much fun! I plan to do so much more with this blog and my channel. I am just so proud of myself for not giving up when I wanted to and whenever I got frustrated and felt down about how the blog was doing. I do this because I love it. I do this because it is a piece of me that I can claim as 100% mine. I have so many hats to wear as it is, Soon to be wife, full time working mom, wedding planner, grad school student and of course blogger/vlogger. I really wonder sometimes how I do all this in a day because everything is just so demanding and important. I'm thankful for those who are so supportive and encourage me to keep pushing and not to give up. My success path is not built like anyone else's and I've learned to stop looking at others and I guess being a little envious of how they reached the success that I strive for before me. I will have my shine and time in the spotlight when it is the right time. Happy 3 years to Naturalle Drea and to many more successful years to come!!


~**Drea Notes**~

I can't get over how soon September will be here!! I'm ready for football season, Fall weather and of course Fall makeup and fashion!!


  1. Happy Blogiversary! Blogging/vlogging is hard work and takes serious dedication! Hats off to you and everyone else juggling it along with having children! I don't know how you do it! I have stopped comparing myself to other people and their success because it can really get you down. Keep doing what you love!

    1. Thank you Tanya! Sometime I wonder to myself who I do all lol!

  2. i'm proud of you. i remember when i did the occasional blog a while back, you were one of the bloggers i followed consistently. it's been a while but i'm glad you stuck with it. happy bloggiversary <3

    1. Thank you so much Rhondine, I really appreciate that and thanks for the support!!


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