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Bamboo by Franck Oliver Review*

I have only been into perfumes for the past couple of years because I was a big Bath and Works person. I love when I get samples of perfumes because I get to try before committing to a expense bottle of perfume that I would end up  hating. Today I am bringing you another review powered by BrandBacker on a perfume that I've been trying for the past couple of weeks. *This product was sent for review and this is my opinion after using. Let's jump into the review!

I received this fragrance through Fragrance Outlet. They have so many luxury brands such as Gucci, Armani and Calvin Kline for a fraction of the price. They can be found online and they are also expanding with brick and mortar stores.

I thought I was going to be able to choose my fragrance but I was sent a code for this one by Franck Oliver. I am unfamiliar with this brand but I was interested in trying a fragrance blindly. I was kind of skeptical because of the name and the brand but I was very open to it. Directly from the site, Bamboo is inspired by the Bamboo plant and has the following notes:

Top notes: Blackcurrant, violet leaves, ivy
Middle notes: Lily, rose, ylang-ylang, freesia
Base notes: Musk, cedar and vetiver

I love the packaging of this perfume. It is so pretty and you can see the product so you know when you are running low. Here is a closer look at the bottle.

Another plus is it in my favorite color pink lol! I really love this fragrance. I don't get the musk notes but smell the floral notes more. It is a light scent that is perfect for everyday. I just love it and it has become a new favorite.

If you are interested in this fragrance or anything else Fragrance Outlet has to offer, you can find them RIGHT HERE!!!

So that is it for this fragrance review. What are some of your favorite perfumes? Comment below and let me know. See you guys Thursday!


~** Drea Notes**~

Had such a fun weekend with my son for his birthday! We actually got to the beach!

Have you been watching the Olympics? They have pretty good this year!! 


  1. I haven't heard of this fragrance but I'm glad it worked out for you and you like it!

  2. Yea I haven't heard of this one either and glad it worked out too! Thanks for reading Tanya!!

  3. I'd definitely give that one a sniff! I haven't heard of it before.


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