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November Essence Beauty Box

Happy Tuesday! It was so cold yesterday! It seems like Winter is trying to make its way here! Today's post is going to be a review on my November Essence Beauty Box! This is the newly launched subscription service by Essence Magazine and it 15.00 a month.

So that is it for my November Essence Beauty Box. What dd you think of this month's box? Have you tried any of the products? Comment below and let me know, Stay warm and see you tomorrow!

Have you checked out my previous post, Essence and Ebony Best of Beauty 2015??

~**Drea Notes**~

I do not like to wear hats when it is cold for some reason. I think I need to start so I don't get sick lol!

I'm going to try to put up the Christmas tree this weekend, the goal is to try lol!


  1. Got some really great goodies there for $15! That Fekkai hair perfume sounds interesting.

    1. Thanks Jackie! I am really loving this box so far!


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