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On A Personal Note....

Happy Football Sunday!! I'm currently watching NFL Red Zone as I type. I was going to do a fashion post today but something was tugging at me to do a personal post. The other day I was just looking at my son and I'm just amazed at the little life I helped bring into the world. I can't believe he's 4 already and growing up so much. He's in preschool now and will be in kindergarten before I know it. It's just amazing how I can love someone so much like this. When I first found out I was carrying him, I was scared at first but the more I got to hear his heartbeat, see him through Sonograms, feel him kicking and moving, I grew more and more in love. I couldn't wait for the day I saw his little face and I just instantly fell in love the moment I laid eyes on him. Of course I was wondering what to do now, how to raise him, will he turn out to be a good person? All those things still wonder in my mind but everyday with him has been amazing. Yes we have our days were I'm asked 50 million questions, hear Mommy every 5 seconds and want to lose it because he's not listening but looking at that cute face and hearing him say "I love you Mommy" just melts my heart. I love watching him grow and learn things everyday. I just never imagined having a child would make you feel like this and it is an amazing feeling. I understand what my parents felt when I was born and raising me. I understand how important it is to be there in your child's life, at every concert and school event. I loved going to his seasonal concerts and enjoying Muffins With Mommy for Mother's Day. I just sometimes can't get over that I'm someones Mommy and that is my title now lol. It seems like people only want to see your kid, not you anymore. I'm enjoying this journey and hope to have one or two more in the future without the morning sickness and swelling please lol. I just wanted to gush about my son, he's just amazing and I love him so much!

Muffins With Mommy last Mother's Day

Hope you guys have a great week and see you Thursday!! 

~**Drea Notes**~

I hope my team does well this season with all the crazy changes the coach made. Go Eagles!!

I really need to start working out again. I was out of breath running down the street to catch the bus. 


  1. What a great post! Children are so precious! Enjoy these moments Andrea...they grow so fast! Its so hard to believe my baby is 21 years old and my grandson will be 2 in a few days. This picture of you and your little boy is so sweet...he is adorable.

    Keisha xo

    1. Keisha, you don't look old enough to be a grandparent!! Its those good genes lol!! Thank you so much!!

  2. What a sweet post Andrea! I don't have any children yet, but I can't wait to be a mother someday for moments like you described. This a cute picture of you and your little boy!

    1. Thank you so much Pilar!! Oh when it is your time, you will love motherhood!!


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