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Updated: How I currently store my makeup

Hey guys! Back in January, I took everyone through my entire, well majority of my makeup collection. I showed how I used to store my makeup. You can see that original post here. I had everything stored in my empty Birchboxes. It was working for a while until I went to two makeup shows and I didn't have a place for everything! As I was cleaning one day, I saw that had this tall storage bin with stuff that I don't even use anymore and thought it would be a great place to store all my makeup and still have it organized. Here is a picture of where my makeup is currently stored.

I believe I purchased this 7 drawer unit at Walmart years ago and glad I kept it! It has come in handy. I'll take you through what is in each drawer. I'll start with the top of the unit where all my brushes, setting sprays (that I haven't used yet lol), OCC lip tars( I couldn't find anything to store them in but that red cup lol. I'll have to decorate it later.) and other items are.

In the first drawer, I put all of my primers for my face and eyes, setting powders, concealers, powder foundations, BB creams and Tinted Moisturizers. 

In the second drawer are all of my eyeliners including pencil, gel and liquid liners, mascaras and brow products.

The third drawer contains all blushes, bronzers and highlighters.

Next in the forth are most of my eyeshadows. Didn't realize I had so many!! The swatches of all my MAC shadows are coming very soon!!

The fifth one has all lip products including lipsticks, lip glosses, lip liners, lip pencils and lip crayons.

In the sixth one is the rest of my eyeshadows that couldn't fit in the other drawer, lashes, pigments, glitters, and extra lip glosses. 

And lastly are all the palettes that I have!

I'm so surprised that everything fit in here! I was so happy to get this organized and I think I'm all set with makeup for a while lol! Didn't realize I had so much of it. It should motivate me to use it more often. Let me know if there anything you would like to see swatches of or a review on. How do you currently store your makeup? Do you have a lot of it like I do? Comment below and let me know!!


  1. I have a very simlilar setup! I have 2 of the smaller 3 drawer storage things with an mini 3 drawer one on top of the other two. I have a large vanity/dressing table that they sit on. Then one of my vanity drawers olds some hair stuff like elastics etc and the other drawer holds all my palettes. I must admit, the drawer is packed to the max and I need to empty out the other side for more palettes lol

    1. I need to organize all my hair products next lol! They are taking up too much space in my bathroom. I have those 3 drawer storage units for some of my bracelets, I have too many! You must have a lot of palettes lol! Thanks for stopping by Tanya!!

  2. Nice makeup set up and collection! How do you like that VS bronzer?

    1. Thank you Pilar! I really like both VS bronzers I have. I dropped one of them and have to fix it. They're not too shimmery and give a nice glow.

    2. Thanks for the insight Andrea! I just ordered the VS Bronzer over the weekend since the Semi Annual Sale started online already lol I can't wait to try it!

    3. Yay! I hope you like it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!!

  3. I have my makeup in some acrylic containers (3 drawers) but I definitely need something a bit bigger and where I can see everything...

    1. I was looking at getting some of the acrylic containers for my makeup but it was going to be a bit much for all that I had lol! I like that I can see in each drawer. Thanks for reading Lily!!

  4. What an awesome stash of makeup! I'd love to shop at your house lol
    I store my makeup in similar containers. Yours looks so neat and organized, mine on the other hand are not so organized :)

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha!! My friends like shopping in my stash too lol!! It was getting crazy in the Birchboxes and being everywhere. Now I can find everything!

  5. i filmed my storage last week and will hopefully upload this week!!

  6. Your makeup storage is almost identical to the one I had before I upgraded! I also kept my brushes and other things on top of the storage units haha. You have a great makeup collection! I spot a MAC RiRi Hearts palette in the last drawer. I also bought one from that collection and it's still a favorite. :)

    Hope ♡ |

    1. Also, I gave you a follow on Bloglovin'! :)

    2. I'm surprised I got my hands on the RiRi pallet becuase everything else sold out quickly! I can't wait to upgrade soon. Thanks for the follow on Bloglovin' and stopping by Hope!!


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