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Ivy Tea Co Trap Tea Subscription Review

Okay, I thought it was Spring? I hope this was the last snowstorm lol! I think this happened last year where we got snow on the first day of Spring. I just hope the warm weather comes soon. 

Today on the blog, I will be reviewing the teas from my Ivy Tea Co #TrapTea subscription box. This is a quarterly subscription where you get a new box filled with a mix of teas, honey, mugs and other accessories every three months. This is also a Black Owned Business that is new favorite of mine. I did an unboxing HERE and said I would review all the teas later. I used all the honey that was in the box and forgot to get a picture of it lol but it was good. Let's jump into the reviews.

Rise & Grind

Ingredients: Black Tea, Coconut and Vanilla

I'm not a big coconut person and initially thought that I would not like this tea but wanted to try it anyway. I have to say, you really don't taste the coconut too much and I really like this tea. I taste more of the black tea and vanilla with a slight touch of coconut. 

This was actually the first tea from this company and it helps enhance cognitive function and to focus better (which I need to do lol) 


Ingredients: Ginger Root, Turmeric, Cinnamon and Black Peppercorn

When I opened this one, I smelled the ginger and couldn't wait to try this one out. It is best to steep this in non dairy milk( I found it best to try it with unsweetened Almond or Cashew Milk) and this is the perfect morning tea. I love how it taste similar chai tea but with different flavors. This tea helps with inflammation. Unfortunately, this tea is no longer available (insert sad face lol). 


Ingredients: Elderberry, Astragalus, Ginger Root, Fennel Seed and Cinnamon

This tea was interesting to me because I had to steep it for 15 minutes but it was worth it. I love it is a mix of sweet from the cinnamon and spice from the ginger. This is a wellness tea that helps you to feel better during this cold and flu season.

Sister Sister

Ingredients: Chamomile, Mint, Rose Petals and Lavander

I think I need to drink this tea everyday because it helps to keep you calm and relaxed lol. This was one of my favorites from this box and my husband loves it too lol. It smells so good and I love how you don't need a lot of honey to sweeten this tea. I could just smell this tea all day and it will help relax me lol. There are different versions of this tea on the site. 

Overall, I loved everything and it is helping to kick my daily coffee habit lol. I really love how each tea has ingredients that you can read and know the benefits of them. Everything is natural and just good for you. These are my new favorite teas and will continue to purchase from this company.

You can check out Ivy Tea Co RIGHT HERE!! You will not be disappointed. 

I just got the new subscription box in last week and will do an unboxing next week. What kind of tea do you like to drink? Comment below and let me know. Have a great weekend and see you next week. 


  1. I drink tea every morning. Actually 2x in the morning lol I wasn't raised on drinking coffee. My mom was always a tea drinker so I became one too. I drink iced coffee in the summer and regular coffee during the day at work when I need some caffeine but tea is my first love. All I really drink is black tea or english breakfast tea. Red Rose is the brand I get and I drink it with splenda and milk. I am not used to drinking flavored teas in general besides Starbucks Iced Passion Tea. I think of the 3 you got, I would like the Rise & Grind the most based off the ingredients.

    1. I'm trying to drink more tea and steer away from drinking coffee all the time. Thanks for reading Tanya!

  2. I'm more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker, so these sound pretty interesting! I like the sound of the Rise and Grind Tea. I don't like the taste of coconut either. Since this tea doesn't have that much coconut, I would give it a try! Great review Drea!

    1. Yea I was surprised by Rise and Grind, I thought I wasn't going to like it. I think you would like it too! Thanks for stopping by Pilar!


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