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So what are wedding traditions?

I saw a post on Instagram the other day asking about what wedding traditions do you think are outdated. It caught my eye and after reading in the comment section, it really made me think....what are wedding traditions? Do you have to follow the old school traditions? The New Ones? Or make up your own? The goal of getting married in the first place is to stay married. You can and cannot follow every tradition but the marriage after the wedding is the most important thing. You are spending the rest of your life with the person you couldn't live without, your soulmate, love of your life. I hear marriage is not all sunshine and rainbows, you both have to be willing to stick together, make things work and keep your marriage fun and full of love.

I have seen a lot of weddings growing up and everyone did pretty much the same thing when I was younger but things and times have changed. You don't see everyone wearing a white dress, people are seeing each other before walking down the aisle, some people don't have a traditional wedding party, they have cupcakes instead of wedding cake and so on. The one thing I was so against at first was the first look and doing the pictures before the wedding. I just wanted to somewhat hold on to some of those old school traditions. After talking about it and realizing that taking pictures takes up time, you only have so much time in between the ceremony, cocktail hour and the reception to do that. You don't want to keep people waiting to start the reception and plus we have but so much time in the rented space. I gave into doing the first look pictures and seeing each other before the wedding. I realized it was okay to break certain traditions. As long as your marriage last, breaking or not doing a few traditions won't hurt. I know that I don't want anyone walking down the center aisle before the ceremony and we are jumping the broom. There are some things that I feel you should still do but it is up to the couple. I was just so hung up on doing all those "wedding traditions" I was kind of missing out on the big picture in a way.

What do you think of wedding traditions? Did you follow any? Enjoy the rest of the week and see you Thursday.



  1. I think everyone has their own things they def want to or don't want to do with wedding traditions. I def like the whole tradition of sleeping in different houses the night before your wedding. It't your last night as a single person and you have alot on your mind. Its also more exciting seeing that person the next day. Back when I was engaged and planning my wedding I thought about the pictures before hand too but we decided to wait until after the ceremony THOUGH it does take up alot of time. I saw a movie called Jumping the Broom I think?

  2. I agree with your thoughts on breaking with some traditions. It's your story so make it what you want it to be. It's really isn't about the wedding it's about the marriage you should be pouring your heart and soul into.

  3. It's your wedding, why not even start you're own traditions! I just did a courthouse wedding which was nothing special at all, and that was almost 10yrs ago! I say, break some and start new ones =)


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