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Nivea In Shower Body Lotion Review

Happy Thursday!! It has been another crazy week at work!! Classes start again next week and I'm trying to get mentally prepared! Today's post is going to be a review on the Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion I've been trying out for a while. Let's get into the review.

Excuse the bottle, it's been in the shower for a while lol

I saw this in Walmart one day and thought it would be great for those mornings I'm running late. I already love the Nivea Body lotion that saved my skin last Winter so I figured this would work just as well. The concept behind this is to save some time getting ready in the morning and gives you that moisturized skin in the shower. This comes in three different lotions for different skin types. I picked up the very dry skin and there is also one for dry skin and normal to oily skin. 

You would cleanse your skin like you normally would then apply this all over, rinse off and you are ready to go. I love the consistency of this lotion. It feels so smooth and silky when I apply it to my skin. My skin feels so soft after using this and stays moisturized all day. This worked best for my skin when it was warm outside. Here is what the body lotion looks like.

Overall I really liked this product. It really does help me when I wake up late some mornings. Have you tried an in-shower body lotion? What were your thoughts? Comment below and let me know! See you Friday with my September Favorites!!

Have you checked out my latest post, September Birchbox and Ipsy!

~**Drea Notes**~

I tried the new Toasted Graham Latte from Starbucks and I like it!

I'm proud of myself getting back into the gym last week. I just need to keep it up!


  1. Oh wow! Sounds quite interesting. This is a must try for me, I will def keep an eye out here for it.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha! Let me know what you think when you do try it out!!

  2. I've been seeing this in ads a lot lately and have been wanting to give it a try! Anything to help cut time in the shower so we can spend a bit more time to primp is a plus for me, lol! I'm glad to see that you're liking this product - I'll definitely pick one up the next time I go to the store. Thanks so much for sharing Andrea!

    1. I just saw it in Walmart one day and it does help with getting ready in the morning, especially when I'm trying to get ready before the little one gets up lol!! Let me know if you try it Liz! Thanks for reading!

  3. it works well but to me it doesn't save time if you have to apply and then rinse off. it seems like an extra step? but it does work!

    1. It may seem like an extra step but I don't have to apply lotion when I step out the shower which is easy for me at times. It does work well! Thanks for stopping by Elle!


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