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Sunday Fashions: Just Fab Subscription

Happy Sunday!! My son's birthday party was a success yesterday and everyone had a good time including the birthday boy. I just can't get over having a four year old now! Well today is another purchase from Just Fab. If you don't know about them, it is a monthly subscription service that just started out with shoes but now has expanded to clothing, jewelry and bags! You would fill out a survey about your style and every month, a stylist will come up with a couple pairs of shoes you can choose from. You can choose a pair that was picked or shop around in the store. The service is 39.95 a month and you don't have to purchase every month but you have to remember to skip the month or you will be charged. Here is the pair that I decided to get last month.

I have been on the hunt for a leopard/cheetah print shoe for a while. When I saw these, I couldn't resist and had to to get them. These cute shoes are called Thandi and are leopard print booties. They are very comfortable and can't wait to style them with some outfits! Here is a closer look at the shoes!

These are very cute and stylish shoes. I would most likely wear them out for a night out or to dress up an outfit at work. So that is it for Sunday Fashions. What is your favorite patterned shoe to wear? Comment below and let me know.

**There is a giveaway still going on until August 20th for a Spongelle Body Buffer. You can check out my review on this amazing body product and enter to win one RIGHT HERE!**

Hope everyone has a great week and see you for Thursday Reviews!

Check out my previous post on my July Favorites!!

~**Drea Notes**~

We took the kiddies to see the Minion movie after the party, I have no clue what language those yellow guys talk in or what they were saying lol!

I'm happy that football season is almost here! I like watching the pre season games! 

Thinking a little bit ahead, I was thinking of trying to do Blogtober, blogging everyday for the month of October. I would do Vlogtober but I need a better vlogging camera. 


  1. Happy birthday to your son Andrea! That's great he enjoyed his party! Those shoes are gorgeous! I haven't made a purchase on Just Fab, but the site has a lot of nice shoes!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes Pilar! It gets hard trying to choose a pair of shoes because you just want to purchase them all lol!!

  2. Those shoes are so cute! Glad your son had a great party!

    1. Thank you Tanya I really love this pair! I'm happy he had a good time too, that's all that mattered that day! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. As a fellow Mommy, I'm glad that your son's birthday party was a success and that he had a good time! I completely understand what you mean about him turning 4 (mine will be turning 4 in February)! Time flies when you're having fun :)

    Those shoes are FAB! With fall approaching, it's nice to incorporate some type of pattern with fall season clothes! I can't wait to see what looks you pair these pretty shoes with!

    1. It is crazy how fast they are growing! I can't take it lol! Thanks you Liz! I can't wait to wear these in the Fall either!!

  4. Those shoes are hot!! Love the style and print. Happy that your son had a great birthday.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thank you so much Keisha!! I really love these shoes!!

  5. what an awesome sub service! those shoes are too fab!

    1. It is a great service! Thanks for stopping by Elle!


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