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Taking a break.......

On Tuesday I did mention that I had some exciting news to share. I have been working part time for a while and searching like crazy for full time work. I was starting to get a little frustrated but never gave up. Well a full time opportunity came up at my current job and I am now full time status!!! I was just so overjoyed and thankful. I will have a more stable income, I can go back to school and start to make some moves. Then I started to get a little overwhelmed. How was I going to juggle being a full-time working mom, grad student, blogger and balance everything else. It has been a while since I had a full time schedule and based my blogging schedule around my days off during the week. I start my full time hours next week and just need to take a small break away from Naturalle Drea. I really didn't want to because I love this so much but I need to see how to handle everything. I will most likely change my blogging schedule around. Thank you to those who have been encouraging to me and so supportive. I will be back soon, don't think I can stay away for too long.

Image taken from the web

~**Drea Notes**~

I'll still be on social media of course lol!!


  1. Congrats girl! That is awesome. I don't have any kids but I do work full time, am married, have a dog, and other things going on in my life. If you really love blogging, once you get settled into your job, you will find a way to work it into your schedule. Just don't feel that you HAVE to post 3x a week etc..Good Luck and talk to you soon!

    1. Thank you so much Tanya!! I really appreciate your continued support and encouragement!

  2. Congrats on this awesome new opportunity! Just promise not to stay away TOO long!!!

    1. Thank you so much B!! I won't be away too long lol!!

  3. Fantastic news! Congrats on your full time status! I will miss you though...hopefully you won't be gone for too long.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha!! I don't think I'll be away too long.

  4. That's great news Andrea! Congrats on your full time position! Look forward to your next post when you return to blogging!

  5. congrats and good for you!! keep us updated!!

  6. Congratulations on your full time job! That's great for you and I'm so happy for you! I definitely understand where you're coming from about trying to find the right balance in your life. Know that your blogging friends will be here waiting for you girl! In the mean time, please do keep us posted on IG! Everything will fall into place for you and you'll get your rhythm with blogging back I just know it! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Liz!!! I really appreciate your kind words.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Congratulations, Drea! Full-time work is hard to come by these days and it really doesn't matter what your educational background looks like or what your experience is in. It's just the dismal state of our current job market. But, thankfully you found something. I imagine that juggling full-time work, grad school (been there, done that and never going back!) and mommyhood will be tough, so I'm wishing you lots of rest. Keep up your energy! :))

    Drea |

    1. Thank you so much Drea!! Yes I know how crazy this job market is and how hard it is to find a decent full time position. Good luck too with your job search. I will need all the energy I can get lol!!

    2. Thank you! I'm trying to keep hope alive and keep my head in the game - it's rough out here, lol!

  9. congrats on the new job! so sorry for the late comment here, trying to slowly catch up with everyone here and a break is a good way to get everything adjusted and see how it all fits in. It will all work out in the end =)

    1. Thank you Jackie. It's okay, everyone gets busy at times!!


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