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On a personal note.....

Happy Sunday loves!! Anyone having a Superbowl party or going to one? I will be watching the game but not going to a party. I haven't done a post in this series in a while and just want to talk to you guys. It seems like a light finally went off in my head and I got it. really pushed myself and workout out for a whole month and it felt great. I'm starting to see some great changes with my body and I'm going to continue to keep going. I feel so determined and motivated now and wondered what happened. I guess I wasn't ready for what is about to come in my life. I've learned to stop dwelling in the past and stop wondering what should of happened and what could of happened. I'm looking forward and not turning back anymore. I've learned to stop looking at what other people have that I don't, it's just not my time to have it. I know things I really want in life will come when I'm ready for it. I'm really working on my resume, applying for jobs like crazy and just waiting to hear "You got the job". I know it is coming soon. I made the decision to go back to school and get my masters and figuring out what career path is right for me. I just feel like I've been changing so much and I never gave up. Things may seem so crazy in this world and in life but you should always keep going and not give up. Never give up on your dreams, always go for what you want. I'm so thankful for those who believe in me and always support everything I do. My cousin gave me a camera he was no longer using so I can record better videos and my boyfriend got me tripod for the camera. I have found so much research on how to make this blog better and I want to succeed at blogging. The other day, another blog called Brown Girl Bloggers started following me on Twitter and when I went to their site, I was on there all day. They had so much information and things I never knew about. I learned so much and registered to be apart of their community. I took a chance and started putting some of my videos on You Tube and now have 21 subscribers. I just want to encourage you to just keep moving towards your goals and never give up. Things always get better in life, you just have to have faith and believe in yourself. Hope you have a great week, enjoy the Superbowl and see you Tuesday!!!

~**Drea Notes**~

So ready for the warm weather to come, so over Winter lol!!

I'm hoping to start doing makeup and hair tutorials soon!!

Can you believe February is here already?? 


  1. Sounds like you have some great things going on in your life Andrea! I agree keeping faith is very important! Great post and good luck with your YouTube channel!

    1. Thank you Pilar!! I'm happy that things are starting to look up in life!

  2. good for you!! aren't those lightbulb moments just the best??

    1. They really are and it feels great!! Thanks for stopping by Elle!!

  3. I'm so happy for you...sounds like you have a lot to be proud of right now, and it's great that you're feeling so inspired!
    xoxo B | The Sequin Notebook


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