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The Secrets Of Blogging Tag

Happy Friday!! This post is going to be The Secrets of Blogging Tag. I was tagged by +Tanya Lovetere from Leopard Lace and Cheesecake, thanks again! So let's get right into it!

*Image was taken from the web*
1. When did you start blogging and why? I started blogging August 2013 from an idea one day. I had all these makeup products that I love so much, was into my natural hair journey and subscribed to these beauty boxes and had no outlet to talk about them. I'm so happy I stuck with this blog!
2. How many people in "real life" know about your blog? Oh just about everyone I know does.
3. What are your favorite post to read? I love reading reviews on different beauty products, monthly favorites and empties. It's good to get a different view on the products you have been thinking about purchasing and an excuse to go shopping lol!
4. List a blog you have recently discovered. The only one I've discovered recently is Glamrezy from Amrezy on Instagram. If you don't follow her, you should. Her makeup is always flawless and its great reading her reviews on different makeup products and getting to know her.
5. Which post are you most proud of? I can't think of one, I'm just proud to be a blogger now. It's not as easy as I thought but I'm going a pretty good job for my first year!
6. What advice would you give future blogger? Write about what you are passionate about and don't give up. It takes time to gain a following. Also, be yourself, don't hide behind your post, they should a reflection of you.
So that is it for this tag. I'm tagging everyone who reads this if you haven't done it already. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend and see you Sunday!
~**Drea Notes**~
So excited to be hosting my Beauty Bash tonight!! SO if you follow me on social media, I'm sorry in advance for flooding your timeline lol!
I have such a busy weekend with my Beauty Bash, working, Baby Shower and birthday parties. Also making time for football lol!
Looking forward to creating a Fall Lookbook soon so be on the look out for that!!



  1. Thanks for doing this tag. Blogging really is a ton of work! But I love it so much that I don't think of it in a negative way. I just followed Amrezy's blog.Have fun at your Beauty Bash! Can't wait to read about it!

    1. Thanks for tagging me!! Blogging sure is a lot of work but its so worth it! We did have fun last night, post should be up soon!

  2. Great post! I enjoyed reading. Sadly I dont have instagram...I really need to get it together lol. Have fun at your beauty bash..I'm looking forward to the details

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha! We did have fun, I will be posting about it soon!

  3. wish i could have gone to a beauty bash! it looked like fun!!

    1. Thanks Elle, it was fun. That post will be up soon!


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