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Book Review: Is Everyone Hanging Out With Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

Happy Friday!! It still feeling like Summer around here but I'm looking forward to Fall soon. This post is going to be a review on the book by Mindy Kaling Is Everyone Hanging Out With me? (And Other Concerns) that was sent to me by Birchbox and Birchbloggers Book Club which I am loving now! They have gotten me back into reading and it has been very relaxing.

(I am forever taking pictures in my car lol #LunchBreakSelfie)
I know who Mindy Kaling is but never watched her show, The Mindy Kaling Project (I know, so sad lol). I'll be honest, I didn't think she was too funny when I saw the previews for the show. This book gave me a better perspective of who she really is and how she broke into the entertainment industry. This book was very funny and such a fun read. I had no clue that she was a writer on The Office or appeared in episodes (that's another show I never watched lol).
I loved how she told the stories about her childhood, her experiences with living on her own, trying to break into the industry and her success now. She told some of the stories so vividly, you can actually imagine being there with her. Aside from this book being funny, Mindy gave some great life lessons and interesting perspectives on life. What really stuck out to me was a possible title to the book, Sometimes You Have To Put On Lip Gloss and Pretend To Be Psyched. It's like no matter what is going on in your life, good or bad, you still keep moving like everything is perfect and look good doing it. She was so persistent and never gave up on what she wanted in life. It really paid off for her. Mindy also stayed true to herself and didn't change to fit in which I think is very important in life.
Overall, I recommend this book to you guys to read. I feel you can really take something from it. Also, it will give you a really good laugh, especially towards the end of the book. Maybe I will give her show a try and catch reruns of The Office. Thanks again Birchbox and Birchbloggers. I'm looking forward to the next book!!
So that is it for my review on Mindy Kaling's book. Have you read it before? What were your thoughts? Comment below and let me know! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
~**Drea Notes**~
Glad to report my laptop is fixed!! I'm so happy!!
I need to find some cute booties for Fall, just realized I didn't have a pair!!


  1. Charlotte Russe is having a sale on boots and booties!

  2. Great that you had an open mind and was able to see some things you liked! Great review!

    1. Thanks for reading Joely!! Its good to have an open mind when reading and trying out new things!


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