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My Makeup Story Tag

Hey guys! While my crazy computer is out of commission for a while, I thought I would do a fun tag. I was surfing the web and came across a few that I saw other YouTubers and Bloggers do. I decided to start with this one first.

1. How old were you when you started wearing makeup?
I would say I was about 15. All I knew how to do was put on eyeliner (and I had every color), mascara and lip gloss.
2. How did you get into makeup?
One of my friends used to put on her makeup before school and we would all watch her lol. I thought it looked nice and I was a girl, I wanted to wear it.
3. What are some of your favorite brands?
Mac, Nyx, Maybelline, Too Faced, Benefit, Revlon, Cover Girl, Jesse's Girl, Makeup Forever, and so much more lol!
4. What does makeup mean to you?
It's a form of expression and feeling good. I love enhancing what I already have and looking my age since people still mistake me for a teenager lol!
5. If you could only wear 4 products on your face, what would they be?
BB Cream, Mascara, Lipstick and Bronzer
6. What is your favorite thing about makeup?
You can create endless looks and be so creative. You have so many colors, finishes and textures to choose from. Plus, you make your own rules to stand out.
7. What do you think about drugstore vs. high end?
Most drugstore products are just as good and even better than some high end. It's good to have mix of both in your collection.
8. What is one tip of advice you can give a beginner?
Make your own rules and have fun with makeup.
9. What is one makeup trend you never understood?
Just wearing way too much.
10. What do you think of the beauty community on You Tube?
I love it!! I have learned so much from watching tutorials, it has helped me apply my makeup better.
So that is it for this tag. I tag everyone that reads this or wants to do it for themselves!! Hope you have a great holiday weekend!!
~**Drea Notes**~
No post on Sunday with the holiday weekend.
I'm on a mission to find Funnel Cake and Cotton Candy!!


  1. What a fun tag! If I had to choose only 4 products to wear...they would be the exact same as yours. Maybelline and Too Faced are two of my favs also.
    Have a fab weekend Andrea.

    Keisha xo

    1. Thanks Keisha. I hope you had a great holiday weekend as well. This was a fun tag to do and have more to come!

  2. Love this tag! I 100% agree that makeup is a form of expression. I love how you can create endless looks. I also feel good when I am all done up and love how my makeup turned out that day. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I love using makeup to express my creative side. Sometimes I love my look so much, I don't want to wash it off lol. Thanks for stopping by Tanya!


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